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I have a gay friend that insist homosexuality is not a sin because "God or Jesus didn't mention it in the Bible themselves."

PS> If any of the above seems 'harsh': so is death by choice. Yes, we can talk to them in such a way as to MAYBE change behavior. But, do we have any obligation to just tell them the undeniable Truth?

(I have suggested for some time now that the same applies to the Zyklon-B Poison Poke, aka 'NOT-vaccine'. There are many ways to "choose DEATH.")
I have a gay friend that insists homosexuality is not a sin because he says neither God nor Jesus themselves mentioned it in the Bible. What do y'all think?
This is a thread I will sidestep in its particulars, but it's worth mentioning that Yah used Moses as his ink pen to write the Pentateuch. When it came to the Law, etc., Moses didn't just write what happened to come into his random thoughts; he wrote what Yah told him to write.
In old testament times they would chain a dead body to the man and make him walk around with it on its back ultimately killing him after a drawn out process. It also made a point to town city if you commit these sins this could happen to you to. They where straight to the point.
There are issues that fall into the pearls before swine category.
many people are well invested in their stupidity or sin.
Rather than admit the inconvenient truth, they will turn on you and try to tear you to pieces.
you potentially place yourself in harms way by addressing these issues With some people.
I simply state what I believe and leave them with it, that in itself can be difficult enough.
debating the finer points of the issues with a reluctant audience seems like a waste of time to me.
What are gay people supposed to do? It's not like you can just wake up one day and become straight. So what exactly are a Christian's solutions to homosexuality?
We have freedom in Christ. That includes freedom from sin. With ANY sexual temptation, God provides a way of escape. The way into the homosexual lifestyle, is to entertain those thoughts. The way OUT of the homosexual lifestyle, I hate to use the word "channel" because of its negative connotations, but for lack of a better term, it is to "channel" that inner "ICK" feeling when those thoughts come along. Those feelings come natural to those of us who are not tempted in a particular sexually deviant way, but they are missing in people who have entertained those thoughts, and so as the Proverbs speaks of the dog returning to his vomit, likewise the fool returns to his foolishness.
Actually, it is possible to change sexual preference. For more details search yourbrainonporn.com

Here is short version. Dopamin is reward for anticipation of successs. It is primary motivation for any action.

We are born with only 2 "circuits". One for food, second for reproduction. Any time we pursue eating or intercourse dopamine is created. Any other "circuits" created for activies like book reading, working, learning actually "hacks" one of above circuits.

Key thing is that is possible to change our reward system including sexual motivation. For men ejaculation is what triggers dopamine reward. So path to change would be abstinence to reset sexual circuits in brain and later use women to correct "settings".
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