• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

I'm new here

Jacob's Beloved

New Member
Hello, my name is Hope. I am the second wife of "Edward the Elder" here on this message board. I have an 18-month-old daughter and I love being a wife and mother. I enjoy cooking, reading, cross-stitching, writing, and "surfing the web." I think that's everything for now.
Welcome Hope
We are glad you joined us. Things are a little slow right now, probably post holiday slump. We are grateful that you chose to join our group.

Sweet Lissa
On behalf of Chaplains Rose and myself, I would like to say Hello and Welcome from down here in Cajun country. May the Lord bless you as you read this board and may HE guide you in your marriage.
Welcome to the board! We can also use your input and thoughts into the ministry of Biblical Families... :D
:D I told you you'd be warmly received! :::chuckles::: Thanks for joining dear. It's good to see you step forth. I still think more women in plural marriages should come forth and put in their own two cents so the world doesn't think that every man with more than one wife is an oppressive tyrant. . . But that's only my opinion. :) Now wouldn't it be something if we could get Pamela or Prudence to join?

Naaaaaaaaw... I'm dreamin' again. :lol:

Truthfully, We would love it if Pamela and Prudence would join. They don't even have to use their real names. We just love to get to know people. We need some new women to contribute and keep our discussions lively and fresh. You men seem to go off on these deep dark tangents. We need something lively to create more interest on the board. Edward, tell your ladies that Sweet Lissa has personally invited them to stop in and have a cup of cyber tea with us.

Sweet Lissa
Thankyou so much for the warm welcome. I come from Louisiana myself, and tried out an Emeril recipe for dinner tonight - smothered chicken and sausage cooked in a slow cooker. I'm generally pretty shy when I get started on a new board, but I will post more with time.
Yes! It was ELK sausage too! Shot up here, in Northern Alberta and processed by a government, licensed butcher who really knows his stuff! Delicious! Hope's southern cooking skill is a priceless asset in our home. Lissa, you are so kind. Once, long ago, the wife of my youth actually did participate in such ventures but to get her to join us here now would be like pulling hen's teeth. There have been one too many negative experiences in the past and she is not very computer literate to start with. I think she likes it that way and I respect her wishes. It's a very, very long story that I'm not prepared to go into at this time. Prudence is my daughter but she's a bit more "open" to new concepts and sharing them on the net. Unfortunately, she has her own "social circles" and what can I say... She'll be 20 in June. She's currently flying all over the Country. All of us are using our real names here because it's silly not to. To be honest, I'm a little bored with hiding from the watchful eye of Home Boy security. I'm from the true north, strong and free! I like to think that most Canadians here still have a living, breathing constitution, of We the People that isn't just a (to quote Mr. Bush) "goddamn piece of paper". Call me an idealist. lol Anyway....

I was looking for a SUGGESTION BOX so that perhaps we might make suggestions to the management and/or moderators... You know, like... "How about putting up a sugestion box" and stuff like that. Hey it was just a suggestion... What do you think?

:cool:... the aliens. lol
Jacob's Beloved said:
Hello, my name is Hope. I am the second wife of "Edward the Elder" here on this message board. I have an 18-month-old daughter and I love being a wife and mother. I enjoy cooking, reading, cross-stitching, writing, and "surfing the web." I think that's everything for now.


It is very nice to see you on the board. If there is anything we can do for you, let us know.