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Impromptu Retreat Meeting


Real Person
This secret agent wishes to report on the secret impromptu retreat meeting. The meeting was held waaaaaaay back in the piney woods north of the Black Bayou. This secret agent had to transform himself into a squirrel in order to sneak into the meeting area where a high level meeting was going on. :D :lol: :D :lol:

Just kidding there......
Chaplains Rose and I went camping this weekend and DaPastor, Lissa and "T" all dropped by to spend the night with us as they too were traveling. It was a great time and we really enjoyed meeting "T". She is such a hoot and lots of fun to be around. After a fine supper of boneless stuffed chicken with rice dressing and one stuffed with cornbread dressing, green bean casserole and boiled red potatoes............Well we all got into some deep discussions while they were there. DaPastor got locked onto a subject that consisted of beds. Well he got so deep into it that all we ever really understood was the few words that sounded like snores :eek: DaPastor having been driving and having to get some other travel adjustments out of his system hit the bed early. Chaplains Rose, Lissa, "T" and myself stayed up till the wee hours of the morning talking and sharing with one another. We discussed some of the topics that are here on the board as well as issues that Chaplains Rose and myself are dealing with concerning our hopeful "J". I shared with them one thing that I would like to share with you as well.

Chaplains Rose and "J" have known each other almost as long as her and I have been married. They are closer than any 2 real sisters ever could. Being that as it is, it has in some ways made our attempts to bring "J" into our family as a Covenant partner a bit easier but it has also caused some problems that others, who have just met someone do not have. "J" has told me many times that she would not do anything that SHE thinks would hurt Chaplains Rose. Thus those feelings toward Rose has made it really hard for "J" to be very open on her feelings as well as being "playful" while we all 3 are together. When "J" and I are alone, she is more relaxed and more open and "playful". Rose has told her time and time again that she is okay with everything that we are trying to do. "J" is slowly coming around though but I can see this taking a long time due to the feelings "J" has for Rose as well as some bad past family history. I know Rose gets to feeling down and frustrated at times for it seems that she is doing all the encouraging. I wish to state to one and all as well as to my Rose, that I am THANKFUL for all she has done and wish to encourage her to keep going and keep plugging away at "J". The effort will pay off.

All in all though it was a very short visit, it was a good one. Hope to see y'all 3 again soon!!
We have arrived at our destination for vacation and are still enjoying remembering our time together. Yes, it was short, but I think we had a great time. We all completely enjoyed you and Rose, and appreciate your hospitality completely. The food was wonderful and the conversation was even better. Yes, daPastor interrupted us a few times but despite our giggles at his "snoring in tongues" we managed to have a great time.

The drive away Saturday morning was long and we wished very much that we could have spent more time together. But now that we know that place exists, I believe we will find our way down there again. T said she could handle campling like that. The only real "roughing it" is the lack of a dishwasher and only one bathroom.

I am looking forward to more times together like this and to a long friendship.

Note to all: These are the kinds of friendships that we want to build here at Biblical Families.
