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Interesting Poll by "Conservative Christian" Group

sola scriptura

Real Person
The poll was about whether it was right for a judge to let a father's children visit him on a polygamous "compound".


I thought the choice, "no respect for biblical values" was laugh-out-loud funny! I wish they allowed comments.


BTW: OneNewsNow is the news source for American Family Association. While I don't agree with all their positions, I appreciate alot of what they do. Several years back, they worked aggressvely to clean up pornographic billboards in Florida, and did a great job.
no option for: It is a reasonable descision
so i could not vote :cry:
Do you ever get the feeling that whatever answer you choose it validates their worldview?
It isn't just me is it?

:lol: It isn't just you Isabella! We can either agree with them or... agree with them! :lol: Good find Sola Scriptura!
That's irritating. The choices they provided do nothing more than support their views regardless of what you choose.

Kinda like when the government did the poll about gays in the military with the military.
I also read the article this was based on. I can not believe this guy compared those who believe in plural marriage with some one who is on drugs and hangs out with other dealers. What was that all about? :x :roll: :evil: :eek:
You know what's funny? (sad funny, not haha funny) Two years ago I would have agreed with everything in that article, even though it doesn't make any biblical sense.

I'm very thankful that the Lord removed the blinders from my eyes to be able to see the truths of His Word regardless of whether they fall in line with conservative Christian society.

But still it is not very Christ like to make comments like that about a group of people even if you do not agree with what they do.
They have a "Contact" button that leads to...


I left this comment for Jody Brown, Editor-in-Chief...maybe it wouldn't hurt for them to hear from a few others...

"Your article and "poll" clearly shows the common misconception and ignorance of the "monogamy only" doctrine being taught by many churches. It seems that your organization has not taken the time to study the scriptures, but rather as most sheeple do simply follows what someone else taught assuming they knew the truth.

"What's your reaction to a court determining that children will not be harmed by exposure to polygamy?"

You should have at least included a "None of the above" choice since every other answer only supports the false monogamy doctrine and leaves no room for any other opinion - or maybe it is that you are not willing to consider another opinion.

As a non-denominational Christian who studies the Bible and has also read numerous books as well as listens to many different teachings on line by individuals such as RC Sproul (yes I consider myself a Reformed Calvinist); I am deeply disappointed to find yet another organization promoting a heresy that developed in the first century by false teachers and exposure of the early church to Roman culture and laws. I guess what disappoints me the most is that you would think it more important for the state to control when, if, and where a parent sees a child. How sad it is to see the church in league with the state against biblical truth.

Maybe a little fundamental education would help open the eyes of those without minds rusted shut like a steel trap:


http://biblicalfamilies.org/doc/History ... e-1869.pdf

http://www.newcovenantpatriarchy.com/im ... _Law_5.pdf"