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Is Atheism a religion?


I have always considered atheism a religion; but when I would state my opinion to atheists they would get very defensive and adamantly deny their belief system was a religion much less a "faith" of any kind. But now it seems they are willing to admit that they are a "faith" based organization in order to get government approval of their activities...

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42391558/ns ... -military/
Scarecrow said:
I have always considered atheism a religion; but when I would state my opinion to atheists they would get very defensive and adamantly deny their belief system was a religion much less a "faith" of any kind. But now it seems they are willing to admit that they are a "faith" based organization in order to get government approval of their activities...

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42391558/ns ... -military/

Atheists use doubletalk, they are or are not a religion when it is convenient.

Many professed Atheists already KNOW Atheism is false. Only people who have heard of God/god/gods can declare to be atheists (although that does not make atheism false (I am not saying that Atheism is true), but the fact that someone must have heard about God/god/gods before they declared God/god/gods does not exist is something interesting to think about.)

Many atheists are people who know God and wish he did not exist, they have a personal hostile relationship with God.
Of COURSE Atheism is a religion.

** It holds mankind to be gods.
** It has faith that chaos plus time produces order and life rather than chaos plus reasoned intention.
** It has its own myths regarding the origin of the species (evolution) and claims that science supports its theory.
** It has its prophets (Darwin) and its philosophers / apologists (Ayn Rand is a purported on, though I personally think she was against the misrepresented "God", and look forward to introducing her to Jesus one day.)
** It has a moral standard (Survival of the fittest).

What can possibly be described as un-religious about it except that it uses classrooms paid for out of public money as its churches instead of building their own out of their own freakin' donations? Oh, and forces us to learn the tenets of its faith, like it or not, which we do not?