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Is compersion the key to a Biblical Family?


As I continue my research I frequently come across things I was unaware of. I didn't even know the word compersion existed until today! I was aware of the emotion, just not any way of defining or communicating it effectively.

It seems to me that there are three circumstances that a woman in a Biblical Marriage may feel:
1) Jealousy
2) A mixture of jealousy and compersion
3) Compersion

Compersion: “The feeling of joy associated with seeing a loved one love another; contrasted with jealousy.”

It seems to me that when a woman displays compersion she is being very Christ-like.
Hummmm......brother Scarecrow, reminds me of the word of the day vocabulary lessons we used to do back in elementary school.

Interesting point.

The ultimate theme of the Bible, in both ages before and after Christ, the theme of God's glory being magnified through love stands as the connector. This concept you present seems to be such a wonderful measure of one's walk in the fruit of the Spirit. If love is the heart motive then we should enjoy seeing another loved as Christ has so desired and specified.

Wonderful stuff man.

I've mentioned this before in here but you may like to read Dr. John Townsend's book: "Loving People." It is powerful. I think it was our good brothers Luther and Augustine who once said: "Love God and live as you please." Once a person truly begins to walk in love they fulfill the law of God as there is no law against love (Gal. 5:23-25; 1 Cor. 9:21; Rom. 13:8-10).

Dr. Allen
Luther was quoting Augustine...but nonetheless it is a quote worthy of mention...
That word is new to me also. I agree that is great to have a term in our language that will express the type of love our Lord teaches. From the definitions I located on the net, 'compersion' seems to refer mostly to being able to obtain pleasure ourselves when we see or hear of our loved one receiving pleasure. Those definitions seemed to confine themselves mostly to sexual pleasure but I think the definition needs to be expanded to other forms of pleasure. During my alone time prior to my first marriage, I spent a lot of time hiking the trails in the Northwest. I came across many beautiful settings that I wished I could share with someone I loved. Seeing my wife enjoy a meal I've cooked for her, or taking the time to be sure she enjoys our intimate moments as mush as I do might also qualify. I think compersion could be used to describe any time we receive pleasure from the pleasure of our loved one.
