FollowingHim, thanks for Your reply. You obviously have made a posative effort to learn what makes this world tick, and for the most part, You are exactly right. The coming together of religons has already happened, not just happening, and it's very dangerous to The Creator's people, that's why I try to get people to think for themselves. I know these things because I've studied for many years. All religons claim to worship one God, but if You study deep enough into each religon, You'll find a different story, running in the background. The Unilateral Universal Association is the culprit pushing the getting together of all religons today. Study their origon, and You will be surprised what You learn. The Jews do not worship the Creator, they study and record His word for a different purpose. The Muslems come the closest to following the Scroptures, of any organized religon,but they have many flaws. I don't conform to any religon, but totally to the Scriptures, as is required to find favor with the Creator. If You have the proper understanding of the Scriptures, You'll have no problem living that life. I read many Posts on BF where the people have a great need for proper guidance, they're not getting it. I don't have time to post a lot, or I would tell them how to answer their own questions, that how people learn. I know the mainstream religions don't like the teachings of the Scriptures, but it's the Creators word, and good for instruction. The one thing I see most discussed on BF is Polygyny. If the Scriptures are strictly followed, there'd be no problem, but the people don't know how that works, and the leadership of this group obviously don't know, or is not saying. Polygyny is a very good form of marriage, but when You get the STATE involved, You have trouble.
The purpose for Polygyny is The Creator's answer to Satan's corporations, that's why the STATE is so hell bent on putting it down. Think about it, if a man has 4 women and each woman bares 4 sons, that's 16 men that man should control, that's a lot of power, 1 man could get strong enough through polygyny, that the STATE could not control him. Through the marriage
license the STATE becomes a third party to the marriage contract, therefore, the STATE controles the offspring and the property, therefore, Satan's way of controling the family. Study any of Your STATE statutes concerning this matter. Satan's control is through STATE Religon, and STATE education. How do I know these things? I have studied the three major arts that the powers that be don't want us to know; Religon, Law, and mesacine, and I'm pretty good at all of them. I hope You'll take what I've written here as instruction, not in the negative.