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Is not a Para-Church Ministry Really Church to Church?

i am a disciple of Yeshua, and to that end i am a disciple of every attitude and action that reflects him in the people i come in contact with.

maybe we are just saying it differently. :D
Although Scripture provides allowance for this in the sense of the "universal church,"
I would like to see such allowance, for I fear I have missed something. Every time the scripture says "church or churches" (with only one exception out of 114 references to church and churches in the KJV) it is the Greek word ekklesia. As I understand this word, it is a called out assembly. I tend to think that the idea of a universal church, is 1. Biblically a future gathering in heaven and 2. On this earth, a Roman Catholic idea keeping control over the people of the world through religion. Keep in mind that Catholic means universal.

I do think that if the universal church thought is pursued to it's conclusion, the Pope will be in charge of all Christendom by right of a false claim.

I am interested in evidence and possible views, I may have missed.
It should be noted that the New Testament pattern did not create para-church organizations outside of the church structure to accomplish this goal.

No but it did have believers who were a part of the body of Christ going forth to bless other believers and to make other believers in larger geographical regions. To me that is not "para" but people of geographical churches serving others across the land.

I find the "outside the church" comment about like the Pelagian comment that says someone can be "outside the will of God," which is inaccurate. People are in God's will of grace or they are under his hand and will of discipline and justice. Or it is like those who say that those who die without Christ will go to hell and be out of the presence of God. Again not so if we believe in the divine omnipresence of God. His presence is there, but it is his presence in judgment form.

Likewise, one can be out of local church, and yet still a part of the larger body of Christ. Granted if one can be in a local church too that is ideal. But if this is not possible due to providential circumstances beyond that person's control then the Bible has an answer to that as well. To be sure, the goal is to have local churches all over the entire globe. But sometimes preliminary work must be done to get it to that point.

Since you're a Calvinist I'll close with the words of Calvin, a set of words that reminds me of the the words of Christ about go and make disciples of all the nations as we love them as he has loved us. It seems to me wherever discipleship takes place in the word there is the Spirit and churches of Christ. As Dr. Calvin taught us:

God is known where humanity is cared for

Thus, if people are being served with the word of God, encouraged in the faith, cared for when others do not care to help, then I think we are in step with the heart of love that stems from God. And along the way as local churches can be planted great. But until then people still need to be cared for, loved, and helped in their time of need.
John Whitten said:
Although Scripture provides allowance for this in the sense of the "universal church,"

I would like to see such allowance, for I fear I have missed something. Every time the scripture says "church or churches" (with only one exception out of 114 references to church and churches in the KJV) it is the Greek word ekklesia. As I understand this word, it is a called out assembly. I tend to think that the idea of a universal church, is 1. Biblically a future gathering in heaven and 2. On this earth, a Roman Catholic idea keeping control over the people of the world through religion. Keep in mind that Catholic means universal.

I do think that if the universal church thought is pursued to it's conclusion, the Pope will be in charge of all Christendom by right of a false claim.

I am interested in evidence and possible views, I may have missed.

Very good point... Perhaps we should create a new thread for this one.