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It Is Better To Marry Than To Burn


Real Person
1 Corinthians 7:9 reads,

But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

I would like to get some feedback from some as to what Paul was saying in this passage, especially as it relates to plural marriage.

I have my own views on this, but as I research some commentaries, finding a wealth of information in this verse.

Any takers?

He's saying, "Zec, you'd better get your butt squared away and get married. You're going to burn otherwise."
Πυρουσθαι, ... , “signifies primarily to burn; but in a metaphorical sense, to be troubled, vexed, or made uneasy.

Given the context, I'd say that 'burn' might not be the best translation here. I think Paul is simply saying that for those who do not have the gift of celibacy, it is best to marry rather than let desire upset one, or cause covetousness leading one into sin. I don't think it means "burn in Hell" as I've heard many sermons say. By extension, this could apply not only to single men, but also to anyone in this situation. There's no reason it couldn't apply equally to a man seeking to add another wife to his family.

Seemingly, it would also apply to single women desiring to BE in a marriage, would it not?

We see lots of single women in churches waiting on God to supply their man. But God's method of doing so doesn't seem to be either creating more Adams from the dust, nor bumping off an of the currently "lucky" women to make their good husbands available. So, they burn. And secretly come to resent or doubt God for not keeping His word.

Perhaps someone needs to carry them the Good News, the gospel, that Heaven HAS created a way, and its up to them to accept the advice -- better to marry than to burn.

Do I detect a seminar title in there anywhere? Wonder if any churches would schedule one? Hmmm ... :)
In looking at the Greek definitions, I don't find anything surprising. Contain = self-restraint; burn = lust, strong desire. It seems to me sexual desire is good enough reason to marry. That sure would hurt the romantic novelists view of marriage, though. Marriage has a different foundation than what romantics suggest. Love and romance may surely be a part of a good marriage, but there is more. How this verse reflects in plural marriage is a larger issue. I like Cecil's comments about women having the motivation for pm. Yet, is sexual desire sufficient reason for a man with a healthy sexual relationship with a first wife to consider a second marriage? Not as often as most men would like to brag about. Again, marriage is so much more than romance or even sexual fulfillment. Personally, I desire to see the day when a single woman could approach any man of good character in a church and ask him to be her covering and titular head. I despise the system we now have where there are so many single women that feel they have to wait to be asked. The man would have the opportunity to decline. When the other men in the church see the best men being asked to take on additional wives and being blessed, they will step up their game and become better men. I believe a woman should not have to select or be selected by the dregs of manhood.
John - you da man!

I think you could be even more direct and say that way too many man do too much thinking with the head in their jeans and not enough with the one on their shoulders. Before a man marries the first time he needs a plan about how he's going to care for that wife and the family she blesses him with. Anytime he considers another marriage, he needs to reconsider that plan while remembering that he is to continue to provide for, love, and respect his first wife. Wanting to avoid burning with desire is one thing, but he must examine his motives when he begins to desire a second wife. If the attraction hasn't got more than sexual desire going for it, he, and she, will be better off if he contents himself with the wife he already has.
