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It's time for me to leave

Yes, HR and TO are addictions associated with caffeine deficiency, so you are not alone. One of the side effects is not being able to see.

HR = Hebrew Roots
TO = Torah Observant
Couldn't resist taking a jab, could you? We love out TO brethren, even though we don't always see eye to eye. It is sad to see one of our own depart on account of our disagreements though.
Couldn't resist taking a jab, could you? We love out TO brethren, even though we don't always see eye to eye. It is sad to see one of our own depart on account of our disagreements though.
you realize Frederick's humor is much tamer than, for example, a castration joke you might find in Scripture?
You seem like a nice and caring guy, though, so that's cool.
you realize Frederick's humor is much tamer than, for example, a castration joke you might find in Scripture?
You seem like a nice and caring guy, though, so that's cool.
Sure! I just want to keep the unity here. If I am going to squawk at the TO folks when they sow division, I would be inconsistent if I didn't likewise squawk at those in my corner, if it appears they are doing the same.
It does puzzle me that many despise the roots of the tree into which we are grafted
It makes no sense to me
However, if you feel there is little left here that challenges you , I wish you well
Go with god and peace be with you