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July 17th - Describe your perfect day


Seasoned Member
Real Person
This picture kind of sums up a perfect day for me. The flowers and lights make me think it's around the holidays, so late fall or winter. She got her mug for warm drinks, and she's reading with her kitty nearby. The only thing I would change is I don't need the little mouse lol. What is your perfect day?
Spending the day at the beach under an umbrella (I burn easily) watching my husband and sons surf. Then going home to lay in the hammock under the porch with the pretty lights hanging and the rain coming down. A thunderstorm would even be better! Reading on my kindle and a special drink prepared by my DH. that's a grand day.
Spending time with my kids (I really get to do this everyday, already), husband, and sw. Reading a really great book while it’s raining outside.

The weekends are usually spent this way (sans rain), so I can’t complain.

Same here, can't really complain, everyday is t a fall day or in the holiday season, but I usually get a bit of time to read while the kids run around and one of the kitties usually comes over and cuddles with me. :)

Spending the day at the beach under an umbrella (I burn easily) watching my husband and sons surf. Then going home to lay in the hammock under the porch with the pretty lights hanging and the rain coming down. A thunderstorm would even be better! Reading on my kindle and a special drink prepared by my DH. that's a grand day.

Now that does sound like a perfect day. The beach, a thunderstorm and a nice drink at the end. :)
Perfect is kinda hard to pin down, because I like diversity.
I totally get liking rainy weather. We have always had more relaxed time during inclimate weather. A hot drink and a cosy fire after the kids are in bed used to happen more often. Now with older children we are more likely to be visiting with one or more of them until we actually go to our room! Lol so less evenings with the fire. We all love books and read to the children a lot on house bound wintery days.
I like making things and being creative too, so time to work on making the projects in my head a part of my real world is hugely rewarding for me.

I also like working hard out in the garden, barn, or nursery.

Like going swimming too.

I never tire of spending time with my husband, and it doesn't matter what we are doing.....and I love working with and teaching our children.

I think I would need an extra long day to fit everything into one....and that means I'd need an extra energy source/battery pack to do it all.


Oops! I forgot the singing in harmony! ...but I guess we could all work on that while pulling weeds if we work close enough to each other.:):D
The only thing I would change is I don't need the little mouse lol
The mouse is clearly a toy for the cat ;).

My perfect day... It changes. Either exactly like the picture, curled up in front of the fire and reading books all day, or having the day to myself to organise and clean the house like mad, it's SO theraputic!