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Kiwiland tax paradise


Seasoned Member
Kiwiland is most infamous country on this forum. Every time we mention Kiwiland context is something bad. Tyranny, state mad for control, Jacinda and racial conflict.

Well, 🙄🙄, Kiwiland is number 3 in world per Tax Foundation's International Tax Competitiveness Index. Is so strange seeing Kiwiland among best in something good.

2023 version is most current version.

Vaguely interesting. However, it's a very difficult to understand ranking. New Zealand is ranked #29 for corporate tax rate, but ends up #3 overall following consideration of other technicalities, and the ranking does not say the actual tax rates anywhere. It's really hard to know what any of it actually means.
Vaguely interesting. However, it's a very difficult to understand ranking. New Zealand is ranked #29 for corporate tax rate, but ends up #3 overall following consideration of other technicalities, and the ranking does not say the actual tax rates anywhere. It's really hard to know what any of it actually means.
Because it has best in world for consumption tax and very good in personal income and property tax.

I get that most aren't interested in tax technicalities, but many of they are very important. Research show that corporate income tax and tax expensing/depreciation rule are huge for job growth.

And tax withdrawal idea is one which has enabled most of state's growth in last century. Imagine what would happen if population has to pay their yearly income taxes on same day.
Because it has best in world for consumption tax
No, best in the OECD. Important distinction. Consider carefully what countries aren't on that list, and what the countries that are on that list have in common. Basically, the countries where industry is growing - ie the ones that are currently most attractive to business - are not in the OECD. A global comparison would likely yield quite a different result - and a more relevant and interesting one also.
No, best in the OECD. Important distinction. Consider carefully what countries aren't on that list, and what the countries that are on that list have in common. Basically, the countries where industry is growing - ie the ones that are currently most attractive to business - are not in the OECD. A global comparison would likely yield quite a different result - and a more relevant and interesting one also.
My bad, didn't read good. Anyway, most of rest of competition is Africa and Asia. Asia should have good taxes (can't develop with very bad taxes), while Africa is, shall, we say not competitive.