• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Ladies to fellowship with :)


New Member
Real Person
Hello Ladies,

I was blessed to be able to go to the retreat in August but did not get phone numbers for most of the ladies I connected with. I am hoping to make some more and deeper friendships, even just through the chats here or email, to connect with on a routine basis. I stay at home with the kids, so texting is also nice bc I can't always sit down at the computer to message. I am going to work on attending the ladies chat because I have only done that twice in the past.

Here is a little more about me: Wife. Mom of 6 (ages 4 months to 25 years old). Nurse practitioner/CNM who practiced functional medicine. I stay-at-home with the littles now :) Praise my Yah and my husband for that blessing! We live in Arizona since late December 2022. Don't have a sister wife yet but hope my husband finds one some day (this is his desire as well, not just mine. lol). I believe in biblical marriage, headship and authority structure so this is the framework I apply to situations etc. I am not a big complainer and tend to stay pretty positive :) I love to read, watch shows, take long walks and most of all spend time with my family. This all sounds a little boring. LOL I do love to travel; but with the littles, we don't do that as much as we could in the past.

If you're looking to connect, please respond or reach out :)