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Lara from Montana

Lara Pease

Real Person
Hello, my name is Lara! Three months ago I married into a polygynous relationship with James Pease who did the introduction "James from Montana". I thought I would share a little of my side in our story.

Since I was 15 (about three years ago) I had been living with my sister (Leslie Pease), brother-in-law (James Pease), and thier kids; while working through my last years of high school. As I lived with Leslie and James I saw up close how attractive thier life was. Not only how they lived in general but also how Leslie and James's marrage was so different and actually worked (compared to every other relationship I had seen). I realized their family was so successful because God was their main focus. I had always believed in God, but I was not fully surrendered to Him. My sister began to lead me to Christ and by the time I was 16 I became a disciple of Christ. For the next 2 years Leslie and James continued to disciple me, and even teach me how to be a good wife (If or when God ever lead to get married). Little did we all know they were teaching me how to be James's wife lol.

For most of my life, by watching movies and living in the culture of America, I grew to want a husband desperately, thinking that I could never be truly happy without one. But when Christ was my master, He showed me that I had made it an idol in my life. By the time I was 18, God had gotten me to the point where I was okay wether I was single or married. I just wanted His will for my life. If I did get married, however, I had one requirement that I wanted the man to meet: to have a heart after God.

As I lived with James and got to know him more, he showed me a biblical example of what a man should be like and what to look for. He had a heart after God.

Three months ago, God showed Leslie, James, and I that He did want me to marry and that it was to be with James. I was definitely suprised when first realizing what God had called me too and knew it wouldn't always be easy, but I knew what kind of man James was, and I knew that God would take care of us through it all.

After getting married we have faced several people who disagree with our descision and some who don't, but dispite all that we have been very blessed. We have all grown closer together and to God. I am thankful that I now get to spend my life not only with my husband but also my sister who has been my closest friend for years now, and my three nephews.
That’s awesome!
Welcome! Seems like there is a rising tide of people embracing biblical family structure. Glad to have ya!
Can't wait to meet all of you!
Welcome to one of my favorite places online. You will certainly find lots of "Christians" that will judge you and your family.
As I wrote the above words I remembered this that I saw the other day.20220613_105455.jpg

I would change it a bit as following hearts doesn't sound biblically sound to me, but do trust your decision and build your family without reservations.

I hope you and yours are blessed.
Welcome Lara! Thanks for sharing about your journey, it's really great.