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Lehi police investigate 'Sister Wives' stars for bigamy

Scarecrow said:
I had an interesting thought this morning...

If cohabiting makes you "legally" married (guilty of bigamy), wouldn't living apart (separated) then make you "legally" divorced?

How can they have it one way and not the other?

To me this looks like just one more form of persecution.

Also how long would a person need to cohabitate before you are married? If they decide you have been together long enough to be married, then it is obvious they want you apart. So...........how long do you need to be apart then before you are no longer married or never labeled married in the first place and are both of these the same length?. And if you need to be together for 6 months before you are married, then what if you go on a fishing trip at 5 months and 3 weeks. Do you start the 6 months over again? Does it need to be in a house? (All polygamists would then hit the road in RV's) (Really makes you wonder when you meet all those RV's on the highway traveling together?) And if you cohabitate past the deadline more than once, are you then a "repeat offender" (known as a poly-poly offender)? It is a good thing they did not leave those miners in South America unrescued and together for too long. And what about the orbital space lab? What if you have two houses on the border in two different states with two different cohabitation determination time periods and the ladies switch houses every couple of months? And if cohabitating for one year with one lady is marriage then cohabitating for one year with two ladies is just a half a year for each isn't it? If you cohabitated with 12 ladies then you would not be married to anyone for 12 years.
I mean really now......do the math......someone needs to be able to count past two?!
Scarecrow said:
...If cohabiting makes you "legally" married (guilty of bigamy), wouldn't living apart (separated) then make you "legally" divorced?

How can they have it one way and not the other?

Years ago, a radio talk show gave me advice I have remembered ever since:

"Mark, you are having an attack of logic!" That is no way to understand government, or "law" as it applies to what it has now become, he reminded me.

Logic, in other words, now has nothing to do with 'law', or our courts.

Oh, and don't think that "equal protection", warrants, the Bill of Rights, and all that "old" stuff still applies to your new government masters**.

** A story I just reported on in a daily news segment -- actually, more than one today -- highlight the point. It seems former AG John Ashcroft has been sued for gross violations of multiple Constitutional rights -- unlawful detention, the usual "we donneed no stinkin' warrants", and so on. The defense -- echoed now by Obama admin officials , who like to blame the "last guy" for the Greater Depression, but just LOVE what he did to the Bill of Rights -- is that (and I quote)...that they have "absolute immunity", which even applies "regardless of the prosecutor's intent."

http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld ... 5532.story

PS> That show airs live today at 12:30 PM Pacific time (M-F): http://www.thejctown.com