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Leviticus 20:13-15...not take a wife and her mother...


Real Person
Lev 20:13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.
Lev 20:14 If a man takes a woman and her mother also, it is depravity; he and they shall be burned with fire, that there may be no depravity among you.
Lev 20:15 If a man lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the animal.

I know you have all read this but it is very interesting in light of the SSM debate. Have you noticed that most mainstream Christian leaders connect SSM to polygyny? (ex: Dr. Dobson) The Bible clearly connects Homosexuality with Bestiality.

However look at the three verses above. Homosexuals are dealt with in the first verse and bestiality in the last, but there in verse 14 is a restriction on polygamy. You cannot take a wife and her mother. If the worlds standard (monogamy only) were true, should not this say, "If a man takes a woman and another woman..." No, that clearly is not the case. This is a restriction of a wife and her mother, and else where is a restriction about taking a sister to vex her. (Which also sheds light on that verse)

Now I know you guys all know this stuff, but it seems to me that these verses sandwiched the way they are provide a unique opportunity to share with other Christians...

Any thoughts? Have you ever used these scriptures to defend your position? Does it make sense to use it?
NeoPatriarch said:
Have you ever used these scriptures to defend your position? Does it make sense to use it?

Well, no ... Can't say that I've used verses condemning male homosexuality or sex with ducks to defend my views on PM. Though I think a Dr Robertson may have made some comment or other about them.

However, exceptions DO prove the rule, and yes, I have used verses such as the one regarding a woman and her mother.

Usual usage is to ask whether God ever gives us rules for how to SIN the right way, or sin in a righteous manner. Obvious oxymoron so the answer is always "No", once the responder gets done going cross-eyed wrapping themselves around the question. Then it is time to pull out verses such as this showing how God REGULATED PM for righteous practice, rather than REPROVING it for elimination.
NeoPatriarch said:
Lev 20:13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.
Lev 20:14 If a man takes a woman and her mother also, it is depravity; he and they shall be burned with fire, that there may be no depravity among you.
Lev 20:15 If a man lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the animal.

I know you have all read this but it is very interesting in light of the SSM debate. Have you noticed that most mainstream Christian leaders connect SSM to polygyny? (ex: Dr. Dobson) The Bible clearly connects Homosexuality with Bestiality.

I know I am baffled that they relate the two. When the Bible clearly does not. Recently I was told that polygyny was the sin that caused the first flood ... and here I thought the Bible said it was due to violence/cruelty, but then again the same would say that a man having to wives was cruel. However, before I get to far off topic. Although I have not really used these verse in an argument I have had people try to twist verse 14 in condemnation of polygyny, perhaps that is why they connect the two.
I do not know that you need to discuss 13 and 15, but verse 14 is certainly useful from a logic point of view. If it was wrong to take two women then there would be no point in a verse that says that you may not have both the mother and the daughter. The only reason why you would need this verse is if you were allowed to marry two women. Clear and unmistakable logic.

It is the same as the verse about kings not multiplying their wives. If it was wrong to have more than one wife, than there would be no reason to have a verse telling kings not to over do it.

There is no verse saying not to do it, and there are many verses that would not make sense if there was. However there isn't so it all makes perfect sense.
yes, it is interesting that our Creator listed them all together thus showing clearly how He feels about each of them.
there is no ambiguity here.
homosexuality is wrong
one form of polygany is wrong
bestiality is wrong

pretty simple, He listed the things that were wrong and decided not to include ALL taking of a second wife
either He got confused that day and it slipped by Him or He meant exactly what He said ;)
steve said:
He [either] got confused that day and it slipped by Him or He meant exactly what He said ;)

Are you saying that God is a clear and effective communicator!?! That IS a very radical idea, sir!
steve said:
yes, it is interesting that our Creator listed them all together thus showing clearly how He feels about each of them.
there is no ambiguity here.
homosexuality is wrong
one form of polygany is wrong
bestiality is wrong

pretty simple, He listed the things that were wrong and decided not to include ALL taking of a second wife
either He got confused that day and it slipped by Him or He meant exactly what He said ;)

That was my point exactly. Frequently when discussing PM with "Christians" these other issues come up. Here is a concise place to turn and go BAM! here is how God feels about these topics. It should stem the tide a little in a debate.