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Real Person
I was in an accident a few weeks back, and I am having to take an online Safe Driver's Course. In today's lesson, they talk about the privilege of having a driver's license, and thought about the parallels to state-issued marriage licenses:

Driving a motor vehicle is not your right. You are not entitled to a driver license. Driving is a privilege. A privilege is something that is earned. Before you are even issued a license, safeguards are in place to make sure you deserve the privilege. You cannot receive a license in Florida :

If your license is suspended or revoked in another state
If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol
If you are physically or mentally incapable of driving
If you are under the legal age.(254)
Once a driver license is issued, the driver is under legal obligation to obey all traffic laws and drive safely. This is how the driving privilege is earned and maintained. But, if something can be earned, it can also be taken away. There are three distinct licensing actions in Florida . (255)

1. SUSPENSION – temporary withdrawal of a licensee’s privilege to drive.(256)

2. REVOCATION – licensee’s privilege to drive is terminated. A new license may be obtained only as permitted by law.(257)

3. CANCELLATION – license that was issued through error or fraud is voided and terminated.(258) A license may also be cancelled if driver fails to comply with some portion of the Statutes; as an example: 322.0261, which requires mandatory attendance at a driver improvement course after involvement in certain crashes.

Just some food for thought and discussion......

Re: Licenses PT 2

Soooooooooooo......Just for giggles and grins, I substituted the word MARRY for the word DRIVE:

Marrying is not your right. You are not entitled to a marriage license. Marrying is a privilege. A privilege is something that is earned. Before you are even issued a license, safeguards are in place to make sure you deserve the privilege. You cannot receive a license in Florida :

If your license is suspended or revoked in another state
If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol
If you are physically or mentally incapable of marrying
If you are under the legal age.(254)
Once a marriage license is issued, you are under legal obligation to obey all marriage laws and stay married safely. This is how the marrying privilege is earned and maintained. But, if something can be earned, it can also be taken away. There are three distinct licensing actions in Florida . (255)

1. SUSPENSION – temporary withdrawal of a licensee’s privilege to marry.(256)

2. REVOCATION – licensee’s privilege to marry is terminated. A new license may be obtained only as permitted by law.(257)

3. CANCELLATION – license that was issued through error or fraud is voided and terminated.(258) A license may also be cancelled if he/she fails to comply with some portion of the Statutes; as an example: 322.0261, which requires mandatory attendance at a marriage improvement course after involvement in certain crashes.

:D :D
Family was created first. Man's right to start, maintain, and lead a family is in existence as long as the earth remaineth. The State is in violation of God when interjecting Itself into the home.
You seem to be able to find topics to spin me (at least) up, Doc... :)

Marrying is not your right. You are not entitled to a marriage license. Marrying is a privilege. A privilege is something that is earned.
...and something which can be revoked, regulated, and modified at the whim of your wordly master. And which subjects you to "adherent contracts" that you have no clue about!

The 'prince of this world' has learned the 80/20 rule well - how to lie by mixing just a little bit of it with the truth. In particular, his servant Caesar does this by distorting the meaning of words. (And - should anyone doubt this - get a copy of Black's Law Dictionary. Compare the 'legal definition' of a few things you THINK you understood with what those who twist the Words for a living contend. :evil: )

You have (OK, had) a Right to travel -- but it is a "privilege" to "operate" a "motor vehicle". Believe it or not, such a privilege results from the claim of jurisdiction over "commerce". Once you volunteer into Caesar's jurisdiction by asking him for "permission" to do that which, without his benevolent permission, is "illegal" -- you've bought into Babylon, to continue the dual metaphor.

There is not one place in the Bible where ANY of His people ever asked another master for permission to marry. But God does make it clear that "if the master gives" his slave a wife, that neither she, nor the children, are later to "go out" with him! And the lesson that He taught Joshua, ("make no treaty with the inhabitants of the land") and to which He held kings from David and beyond, is related, and clear:

Even if it's fraud, we are to honor the vows we make. Thankfully, He sent us a Kinsman-Redeemer!

Blessings in Him,
