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Life lessons and Humility

Rose of Sharon

Real Person
I know that I have been away for quite some time from this site. Many life lessons learned and humility would be the first that comes to mind. That I have changed drastically from last year to now. Oh where do I even start? Husband and I did sell our home to move because we knew things were not going to get any better. The world seems to be spiraling down. Around September to the beginning of November of last year, I was in an argument with my father and mother to not take the vaccine. I knew that it would affect their health if they took it. Our home was sold in 2 days time of putting it on the market. We packed everything up and moved to my parents in East Texas who have 15 acres of land. We stayed in an Rv until husband built our home behind my parents home. They gifted us 2 acres. Now this is where the struggles had begun from the time we moved into the Rv at Thanksgiving of last year. My dad who is a severe diabetic did take 2 doses of the vaccine. He started to decline very considerably. Mom was still working and the responsibility had landed on me. I now had to homeschool and keep an eye on my dad. 911 was called more times then I could count on my fingers. One episode resulted in me throwing a cinder block through the back glass door because he wasn’t responding. I knew he was low. The fire department said that they couldn’t break property and had to wait for the cops. I stepped in, broke the glass and found him on the bathroom floor. The EMS was able to revive him. In one of his episodes, he started blacking out when he stood up and he fell on a sharp object within his home. He broke a rib and shattered a lung. We called 911 again. They said that they also found pneumonia and his gallbladder needed to be taken out. To top it off, his blood pressure and heart dropped every time he stood up and went high when he set down. I contributed most of his health problems to this “vaccine.” When Dad was in the hospital, Mom went to visit him with my Aunt and they were involved in a wreck and totaled the truck. Mom was put in ICU. I had to make my rounds of visiting my Dad, Mom, and Aunt in the hospital. To say that this was a trying and overwhelming time was an understatement. Him and mother are now at home after grueling months of hospital visits and rehab but I can see his decline. I get frustrated with my Mother because she refuses to get help to aid him. He has fallen multiple times and I just have to walk away. God forgive me because I have yelled at her to get help and hire a nurse. She refuses. He continues to fall down on a daily basis. Talking does no good. I pray to the Lord and walk away. I pray that He keeps my mouth shut even when tears roll down my face. I am taking care of their horse and I have never done this in the past. I have never taken care of a horse period. She is almost wild because he used to keep her tame. That is a fear of mine everyday and I pray that the Lord would keep this horse from running me over or bucking me. I have learned humility and how to have a servant’s heart. I have learned to keep quiet and that is most of the time. Husband is really good about constantly letting me know how much he loves me and that comforts me everyday. I have learned how not to grumble or complain of any situation that I am in. We are now in our home that Husband built and my mother can look out her back door and be comforted that we are there to help. I am writing this now because my Daughter, son-in-law with their 2 kids will be living in our Rv and we are going to pick them up this weekend. He lost his job and his car was repossessed last week. Husband and my plate will be even fuller but I pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen me/husband and bless us when they are settled in. I guess the reason why I am writing this to get it off my chest.
Hang in there, you can get through this season. God may be orchestrating things to put you guys in just the type of situation you need to be in to weather the coming storms.
Thank you! I have felt this way too. This is definitely strengthening us and it is most making us stronger.
Good to hear from you again @Rose of Sharon even if it is because of a difficult season. Praying for God's direction and peace for your family as you walk thru this hard time.
Good to hear from you again @Rose of Sharon even if it is because of a difficult season. Praying for God's direction and peace for your family as you walk thru this hard time.
Thank you! It is good to be back. I can find times like this become very lonely because I don’t like to burden people with my problems or concerns. Prayers are very much appreciated. ❤️💐
Thank you for sharing your burden with us. In the Bible we see God's hand of providence in the midst of some of the greatest trials. Think of Joseph hated be his brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused of attempted rape, imprisoned, but God brought him through it all to become the second most powerful man in Egypt. Think of Jesus Christ who was hated, falsely accused, arrested, unjustly tried, and suffered the most brutally torturous deaths imaginable, but God worked providentially through that to provide salvation for sinners. There are others we could consider; Ruth, Modecai, Daniel, etc., all of whom God brought through their trials to great victory and blessing. May our mighty and gracious God providentially bless you as you persevere through these trials to His glory. Shalom
Thank you for sharing your burden with us. In the Bible we see God's hand of providence in the midst of some of the greatest trials. Think of Joseph hated be his brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused of attempted rape, imprisoned, but God brought him through it all to become the second most powerful man in Egypt. Think of Jesus Christ who was hated, falsely accused, arrested, unjustly tried, and suffered the most brutally torturous deaths imaginable, but God worked providentially through that to provide salvation for sinners. There are others we could consider; Ruth, Modecai, Daniel, etc., all of whom God brought through their trials to great victory and blessing. May our mighty and gracious God providentially bless you as you persevere through these trials to His glory. Shalom
Wow! This is powerful! It did bring tears to my eyes! What a beautiful response! ❤️ Thank you so much for writing this!
Welcome back to BF! Sorry you're going through a rough time right now. May I help you look at this from a different perspective?
God is having you create a community. We are about to go through some very difficult times, and He's bringing your family altogether in one place where you can all take care of each other and work together. When God knew that your father was going to be having a difficult time, He made sure that you were there to take care of him. Your father would probably be dead by now without you being there. This is a blessing. You are a blessing!
You're angry at your father for taking the vaccine, and I understand. God knew he would take it, and he knew that he would need assistance. Do you think that your RV sitting there empty was an accident? No, God knew your daughter and her family would need it. He has timed things perfectly. He does not take away trials, but helps you through them.
Esther 4:14 "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
The end of this verse gets tossed around a lot, 'for such a time as this', but there is more to this verse. You are physically where you are for a time such as this, but remember that you made that decision, just as Esther had to make the decision to speak up. Had you not moved, had you decided not to help with your father's medical care, had you decided to sell the RV rather than having it available for your daughter, then you would not be where you are now, which is exactly where God wants you to be.
None of this takes away how hard it all is, I know. Emotionally, physically, mentally, it's rough. But take heart that you are doing exactly what God wants you to do, good and faithful servant :).
Welcome back to BF! Sorry you're going through a rough time right now. May I help you look at this from a different perspective?
God is having you create a community. We are about to go through some very difficult times, and He's bringing your family altogether in one place where you can all take care of each other and work together. When God knew that your father was going to be having a difficult time, He made sure that you were there to take care of him. Your father would probably be dead by now without you being there. This is a blessing. You are a blessing!
You're angry at your father for taking the vaccine, and I understand. God knew he would take it, and he knew that he would need assistance. Do you think that your RV sitting there empty was an accident? No, God knew your daughter and her family would need it. He has timed things perfectly. He does not take away trials, but helps you through them.
Esther 4:14 "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
The end of this verse gets tossed around a lot, 'for such a time as this', but there is more to this verse. You are physically where you are for a time such as this, but remember that you made that decision, just as Esther had to make the decision to speak up. Had you not moved, had you decided not to help with your father's medical care, had you decided to sell the RV rather than having it available for your daughter, then you would not be where you are now, which is exactly where God wants you to be.
None of this takes away how hard it all is, I know. Emotionally, physically, mentally, it's rough. But take heart that you are doing exactly what God wants you to do, good and faithful servant :).
Thank you for your beautiful reply! That scripture does hit the spot with my situation. Husband and I both have come to the conclusion that the Father meant for us to be here and at the right time. My mother has repeatedly told others that the Lord put us here when they needed us. I do feel bad times are coming and we are preparing for this. I also feel that God is in control no matter what we are going through and I know that He will never leave us. I am angry what my parents did but I had to let that go and give it to God. It was truly eating me inside and I began praying every morning that He will reverse any damage that this vaccine has caused within my parents. Going through these trials though has been a strengthening in my spiritual life. I am growing stronger in my Faith and dependence on the Lord. If I fail once in not giving Him His place everyday, I will start weakening and I can’t let that happen. Bless all of you/BF for being here and encouraging me! I really needed it. ❤️
This is what testimonies are made of 😊
You are doing great!
Harold Hill once said something like, “On my way to the meeting, I asked the Lord for a fresh word of testimony to share. I had forgotten that in order to have a good testimony, you have to be rescued from some really rough stuff.”

Probably not close to what he said, but it works for me! 😊

Edit: needless to say, some really rough things happened to them on the way.
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