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Living With the Living God



Speaking only for myself, I find that it is too easy to become academic in my Christian experience. This is a problem that preachers and teachers in particular have to deal with. I find myself getting caught up in discussions, arguments and explanations of Biblical things, so much that I forget to spend time with my Lord. I tire of talking about things and hearing from others about things to the exclusion of the person of Christ Himself. I find it easy to fill my time with talking and reading about the Lord, rather than reading His Word and talking with Him. I enjoy the fellowship with the brethren and perhaps that is why it is so easy to be caught up in it. But, honestly, it is not as rewarding as spending time at the feet of my Lord. Could we hear some stories in our fellowship here about our relationship with the Lord on a personal basis rather than academic?
As I contemplate God, in His majesty, His grace and mercy, I am amazed that He would be interested in us. I love the Lord, who reveals to us a bit of Himself and still remains beyond our ability to comprhend. The knowledge of God is unsearchable, the more we discover, the more we realize there is to know.
John Whitten said:
Could we hear some stories in our fellowship here about our relationship with the Lord on a personal basis rather than academic?

For a long time now, I have been the only Christian in my family. My search for God was tolerated by some of them and derided by others...but never fully supported by my parents, siblings or extended family. With half of my family belonging to the Jehovah Witnesses, I am sometimes awed that God got a hold of me at all. I was introduced to God at a Baptist school, where I would spend eight years. In the 6th grade there, I accepted Jesus as my personal savior. My life changed at that moment. I no longer felt alone, because I knew I wasn't alone anymore. I remember thinking that God was like an invisible "best friend" (keep in mind I was 11 yrs old) and He managed to get me through some really rough times. I knew that no matter how bad things got at home, I could always go to God and He would help me.....and He always did ! Not always in the ways I expected or wanted but He knew what I needed better than I did. I could always trust Him because He was always faithful....even at times when I wasn't. The same is true today. :)

I talk about that at the site on the thread "Praying On the Father's Lap" at http://www.biblicalfamilies.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2402.

I grew up a committed Christian. Lost my way for a while in my 20s. Was brought back through the agency of an atheist's writings (Ayn Rand) and the music of a Christian rock musician (Keith Green).

My walk with God got a real kick-in-the kiester in my late 30s when I had to confront the question of whether Jesus really meant what He said, or spouted a bunch of nice sounding but impractical (worse, untrue?) stuff. I've been growing in it ever since.

That growth brought about and continues to bring a lot of change. Lots. Many see the changes as losses. All I can see is "closer to God." That's profit.
Hi John. Yes I agree wholeheartedly with your perspective on spending time with the Lord. Walking in the cool of the afternoon in Eden comes to mind, as does the Westminster Shorter Catechism with its "What is the chief end of Man?" and the answer "To glorify God and to enjoy him forever". ylop
In harmony with you on this thread. It would be nice to hear how more of us spend time with God. One of the things I do is when I am driving and hear a song I like on the radio, I try to sing along but make up my own words singing to God as I go.
I usually spend about a half hour in the mornings just praying, and then reading 1-2 chapters of proverbs. When I am at the house, I usually am listening to ministry tapes and cds (I have dumped the tv out of my life).

Driving back and forth to work, I am either praying in the spirit or listening to additional ministry cds. I used to listen to a lot of Christian music, but not so much anymore. Nothing wrong with it, I have just changed my appetite in in recent months.

Before I lay down at night (or in the morning, depending on my work schedule), I usually read a Christian book I am working through until I get tired and go to sleep.

I have found that by getting rid of the tv in my life, I have had a much better opportunity for pursuing study and learning in a variety of Christian books.

I am also writing a LOT more now, just not so much on the forums. I have a couple of ebooks I want to release later in the year, and they too are the result of time spent with the Lord.


I try to keep my mind connected to the Lord at all times. It isn't easy and I slip up a lot, but I keep going back because it is such a blessing to see the Lord's hand in all areas of my life and the world around me.
One day after a very tiring and hot day as an RV tech (in AZ), I was putting away my tools, wondering, "Lord, don't you have some way for me to preach and pastor without me having to do this as well?" I may have been complaining a bit, finances were always a struggle because of having three kids and constant medical issues in our home, but God didn't chastise me for complaining. Instead of a chastisement, He sent one of God's little preachers to comfort and encourage me. On a roof cross beam above my tool box, perched a little sparrow. It didn't fly away as I approached, but rather hopped from side to side, chirping and praising God in bird words. I knew exactly what he was saying, too. He was saying, "Remember how God takes care of me? You are even more loved and cared for! Don't worry, Praise God our maker." So, I did give thanks and praise to my Lord from the bottom of my heart. It always amazes me how my world changes when I learn to act like a sparrow and give God thanks all the time. As I left the work area ths sparrow broke into a verse of Ethel Waters famous song, "His Eye is on the Sparrow"....at least that is what it sounded like to me.
"But I would have you without carefulness. He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord: But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife. There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband. And this I speak for your own profit; not that I may cast a snare upon you, but for that which is comely, and that ye may attend upon the Lord without distraction." 1 Cor. 7:32-35

These verses often come to mind, when I look back over my life and wonder where did the time go. "Oh, how I've been so frivolous with my time", I think. With the cares of this world pulling me in one direction and the love for my Savior pulling me in another. I, at times, have had to force myself to "be still & know who is God". I use the word "force" because my mind makes me think that I have all of the time in the world to make up time that has been wasted on cooking, cleaning, shopping, business affairs, etc. and tries to make me forget that, "there is only one thing that is needful".

The only way out of such predicaments is staying connected...fearing God... I have learned that to fear God is not to be in awe or be afraid of Him, but being connected to Him at every step, every turn, every movement...questioning and acknowledging Him in all. At that time, I am "Living with the Living God" and caring for the things of the Lord!