• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.



New Member
not sure what to do about being a single mother of two....i work so much and still feel like i am depending too much on my parents and not able to find a good man to stand by me...tired of doing it all alone, even the happy times arent as happy with no one to share them with. just confused and oddly God has put the idea of pm in my mind....wondering...comments?
chaisem said:
not sure what to do about being a single mother of two....i work so much and still feel like i am depending too much on my parents and not able to find a good man to stand by me...tired of doing it all alone, even the happy times arent as happy with no one to share them with. just confused and oddly God has put the idea of pm in my mind....wondering...comments?

I know how you're feeling. Well, for the most part. It wasn't too long ago that I myself was single and depressed and wondering if I would ever find a good woman. I didn't have two kids to care for though. I wasn't sure if Yahuweh wanted me to have a wife or not, but I'm glad he provided one for me. And maybe someday he'll provide me with more wives. Just keep hanging in there and I'll pray for you. Yahuweh will provide for you.

Yahuweh bless you greatly.
Well....I will be praying for you and your children, that God would provide according to His will.

I have never been in your situation, but I can understand having thoughts that pm would be the solution to many of your present concerns and feelings, and the members of this forum would agree with that :D. The group here is a good source for you to receive encouragement from, and advice or support. The area here in Georgia/SC,TN,FLA is growing quickly, the last retreat we had for this area was over 70 people I believe, so you are not alone in your curiosity or considerations, many people are thinking along the same lines that you are.

Hang in there, God has a plan for your life and loves you as His daughter, He will provide what you need.

chaisem said:
not sure what to do about ... not able to find a good man to stand by me...tired of doing it all alone ...

And justly so. God didn't intend for you to go it alone. Is PM the "perfect plan" for marriage? *shrug* Who knows? But it does appear to be God's perfect provision in an imperfect world. So ... suggestions?

2 occur. Register with the folks here at Biblical Families and ask for introductions. They will send you information and suggestions about families who THEY KNOW to be good folks and open to adding to their families at this time. Not a bad place to start.

Alternately, you could look around at church, decide on a famil;y you might like to join, approach them and ask to do so. If they go into immediate meltdown with blown minds, we'll be glad to help pick up the pieces. *grin* Maybe help them open their hearts and minds.

Of course, as a third option, you could read the postings of the various families here, and approach one that sounds compatible. Or even invite folks to PM you, which you sorta did, *grin*, and maybe get deluged!!!

Anyways, welcome. Hope we can be of help. And look forward to meeting you, perhaps at a retreat.