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Marriage proposals or weddings


New Member
How did you get proposed to or how did you propose to your wife/wives? How did you make each wife feel special during the proposal and wedding?
My husband got down on one knee on what we call "our bridge". At one time I thought he was going to throw me off it, but instead he threw me for a loop.

It was very sweet.

I have only married one woman so far but I plan to treat the next one no different. We believe in equal terms here so I plan to get the woman rings and have a honeymoon. I think its important to make the next wife feel like another wife and not a 2nd wife. I honestly do not like that term. I know I will make mistakes but I do think its the mans responsibility to make each wife feel secure and loved. No woman should feel like they are not needed in the relationship or that he loves her more then me. Like I said I will make mistakes but you can bet I will do my best.

God told me to marry my current wife, Melissa. We got married without ever going out on a date, so I guess you could call it an arranged marriage. I had an engagement ring custom made for her at God's direction using my late father's diamond as the center stone and two green diamonds in the side of the main setting. When I flew to South Africa for the wedding, (she was from there and though we had met previously, but after God told us to marry, we had only spoken by phone) I got off the plane and tried to get down on one knee in the airport, but she was embarrassed and stopped me, (typical prophet :)). So we just sat at a table in the small cafe there and talked. It was there that I confirmed that I wanted to marry her, she accepted and I put the ring on her finger. That was over 6 years ago. Though she came to the United States, (and it took me 8 months to get her there) for 3 years, God told us to leave and come to South Africa. We are here in South Africa now and have a beautiful 3 years old daughter, Danielle Sarah Mossie, (an apostolic-prophet). Though God has directly spoken to Melissa about polygyny, she is still processing it. When the time comes for other women to come into the family, I am certain that God will make those times just as special as He did ours!

Interesting thread.

Be blessed,

Here is a stupid question, in regards to making each woman feel special.

Suppose, that the second wife comes along long after the first wife. When they got married they didn't do anything romantic, they just got married. Does that mean that the second woman can't have anything that the first woman didn't have?

The 3 of them would really need to sit down and talk about how things could be done. That way the 1st wife could share her feelings too.
Well like I have said I don't like the term 2nd wife.....that said I believe each wife should have rings and a honeymoon. Then there after special times when its just them alone with their husband. Communication is very important in any relationship and so is trust. My wife and I can lay our feelings on the table without fear of being attacked by the other one...that also is very important I think. But each woman should feel special to her husband and I have never talked to a woman (one I was interested in) but what I could find something very special about her.