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Messianic group's polygamy statement


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Real Person
We recently received this information from a friend of BiblicalFamilies.org. It's very interesting and encouraging. Perhaps some of us who feel comfortable in a Messianic setting also live close enough to one of these congregations to check one out. I don't personally know anything about the Rabbi, except for a bit I've read at the website.


BYSW (YATI) has congregations in many of the fifty states and in the entire world. You can find the directory here - http://yourarmstoisrael.org/BYSW/directory/

This has really shaken up the messianic world and this brave Shepherd is taking a beating. Please consider sending him an email of encouragement for his stand for the Patriarchal truth. You can reach him at ravmoshe@bellsouth.net

He lost several congregations just after he announced this new Patriarchal direction for the assemblies he is overseeing. However, at the annual conference this year, they gained 30 more leaders from around the world making the total number of congregation leaders nearly 100. Amazing. I know that the Almighty is working somehow in this organization.

The organization website is http://www.yourarmstoisrael.org, and here is the statement:

Statement recently released by YATI
We the people of Yisrael under the eternal guidance of YHWH Maker of heaven and earth and our Savior Yahshua, YHWH’s only begotten Son, do declare this Shabbat the 9th day of the 4th month (7-12-08) the following proclamation:
“We the people of the third annual BYSW Leaders Congress do recognize the biblical guidelines of kadosh/holy matrimony to include both monogamy and patriarchal marriage, also known as plural marriage. These options are declared clean and kosher and as such we as BYSW cannot continue to follow in the error of the age, by calling unclean what YHWH has blessed.
With one unanimous voice in this historic declaration, we become the first known major Nazarene Yisraelite, or Messianic organization to fully, publicly and unapologetically, without the fear of man, do embrace and declare this truth.
All who seek, or follow either acceptable alternative, are to be welcomed with love, care and compassion into the fellowship and assembly of the Nazarene Yisraelite brethren, whether they be everyday Yisraelites or those among us seen and acknowledged as YHWH’s chosen leaders.
May all who come in and for shalom receive this official proclamation of the BYSW.”
Shabbat 7-12-2008
A similar one from an email subscribed teaching I receive:
Pride, Polygamy, and Personal Convictions
~ An Editorial ~

By Rabbi Dani'el Rendelman of Emet Ministries http://www.emetministries.com


Imagine you are drifting alone in the sea. Your boat has crashed and you are stranded with nothing but the view of ocean water for miles and miles. The waves pound your body. Sharks and other creatures surround you. You have been alone and adrift for days. Finally, out of nowhere a helicopter descends and offers you a rope to climb to safety. This helicopter is part of a worldwide rescue mission seeking people just like you. Your heart jumps at the possibility of being saved! But as the rope falls from the sky you notice the rope is tied with knots. The colors are mixed in the twine. The knots look safe but the tying isn't perfect. This is not good. It's not your choice of tying. You don't care for the colors. The helicopter isn't as large as you would like. Something looks "fishy" so instead of climbing to safety, you swing the rope away and wave off the rescue mission. You'd rather be lost at sea than rescued by an imperfect vessel. Sound ridiculous? Well, this is exactly one huge problem that plagues the Messianic movement today.

Instead of joining the worldwide rescue mission to seek and save the lost sheep of Israel many individuals choose to focus on differences of opinion. These folks choose division over unity and shame the entire faith. The issue of the day doesn't matter. Just pick any topic and the problem will arise. People have their tight-nit ideas on calendars, diets, home schooling, music, moons, and marriage. Sway from a certain belief and be labeled a "heretic" or "cult." If you don't measure up to a certain standard or hold a different doctrine then you may be considered worse than a heathen. Can't you hear the voices now?

Throughout the world, there are many agents working against the truth which we teach. Sadly, the largest battle we seem to face comes from similar 'believers' who choose to push their personal convictions onto others. A personal conviction is just that - an unique and individual area in which a person is convinced to do or not do something. These are the "grey" areas of the scriptures that the Bible leaves open for believers to make their own decision. These are not commandments or areas of sin. These issues can become sin if they are pushed on to others as binding and necessary. Woe unto the man that pridefully exalts personal convictions as truth.

If YHWH leads you to not drink water on Tuesday then you should not do so. Nor should you push that belief on to other people. Envy and strife occur when you are so convinced that yours is the best way, that you condemn others who do not agree. The longer you have had this personal belief the harder it is to allow others freedom in that area. Have you ever done this?

Today, many individuals would rather choose the path of division by exalting their personal choices upon other saints. Many Messianics become judge and jury because others do not measure up to personal standard. Have you taken one point of disagreement to offense, and forgotten about the other areas in which to agree? If so then you may be guilty of exalting your pride above the body of Messiah. The truth is that there should be very few "fellowship breakers" or issues that separate us from other like minded believers. If and when there is separation it should be over the weightier matters of Torah and not personal choices.

In view of how we seem to devour each other with emails, blogs, chat rooms, and personal networks one MUST ask, "where is the love?" It is through our "ahava" or "love" that the world should tell that we are disciples of our Master. Ahava should offer acceptance and compassion to those with different doctrines, ideas, and convictions. If we can't love and accept our brother with whom we disagree then how can we love a kadosh and holy YHWH? 1 Corinthians 13 says that "if you speak with the tongues of angels but have not love then you are a clanging cymbal." The "tongue of angels" is the Hebrew language. What this verse teaches us is that even if our faith is so perfect that we speak angelic or flawless Hebrew, if we don't have love then our religious actions are in vain.

Friend, you will never find a ministry that is 100% doctrinally correct. Nor will you ever find a person that you agree with on every issue of Torah. It takes a mature believer to accept differences and strive for unity in the body. Immature believers find one issue of disagreement to focus, discuss, debate, and divide. Sadly, the Nazarene faith is full of clanging cymbals who make a lot of noise but show little acceptance or love. Selah.

Perhaps we should call these "personal condemnations" instead of "personal convictions." Take head coverings, wearing a tallit, drinking alcohol, the correct pronunciation of the name of YHWH, or even marriage for example. There is Biblical freedom in these issues. Let's discuss marriage. According to the Bible, each person has the choice to marry or remain celibate. This is your personal choice. There are unique blessings and challenges for either decision. While the Torah specifically addresses homosexuality, sex before marriage, bestiality, and promiscuous relationships, the Torah also allows for much freedom IN marriage. We should not judge or criticize those who make their own decisions on this or any other "grey area" of Torah. My wife and I have a monogamous marriage for almost 11 years and have no plans of changing our relationship. However, we must love and accept those who may choose to have a different marriage relationship.

Having a wife or more than one wife is not a command of Torah. Nor is it sin. This is a personal choice. Sure, Scripture can be twisted to prove any point and any person wrong, but plural marriage is not forbidden in Torah. You might not agree with this or like it, BUT such personal convictions are individual choices that should be respected and accepted. Instead of being judgmental, we should love and celebrate the differences in each other. When we join to worship we should lay aside our personal convictions or opinions and support the leadership totally. There is no place for disunity in the body of Messiah. There is no place for personal attacks in the kingdom of YHWH. 1 Corinthians 13 also says that "When I was a child I acted as a child and spoke as a child. When I became a man, I put away childish things." It's time this movement grows up in the faith and puts away childish pushy personal convictions. We must mature towards love and acceptance. Please don't be like a man who was lost at sea. He drown all alone because he focused on the details of the rope rather than the rescue mission. We have a mission to rescue the lost sheep of Israel. It's time to stop focusing on personal convictions and work towards what is most important - the love of YHWH.
Wow. Thanks a lot for sharing that one, "Face". Not only does he recognize what Scripture says about plural marriage, but the greater point he's making is one I feel we in this "movement" need to hear, big time:

These folks choose division over unity and shame the entire faith. The issue of the day doesn't matter. Just pick any topic and the problem will arise. People have their tight-nit ideas on calendars, diets, home schooling, music, moons, and marriage. ...

Sadly, the largest battle we seem to face comes from similar 'believers' who choose to push their personal convictions onto others. A personal conviction is just that - an unique and individual area in which a person is convinced to do or not do something. These are the "grey" areas of the scriptures that the Bible leaves open for believers to make their own decision. These are not commandments or areas of sin. These issues can become sin if they are pushed on to others as binding and necessary. Woe unto the man that pridefully exalts personal convictions as truth.

If YHWH leads you to not drink water on Tuesday then you should not do so. Nor should you push that belief on to other people. Envy and strife occur when you are so convinced that yours is the best way, that you condemn others who do not agree. The longer you have had this personal belief the harder it is to allow others freedom in that area. Have you ever done this?

... Have you taken one point of disagreement to offense, and forgotten about the other areas in which to agree? If so then you may be guilty of exalting your pride above the body of Messiah. The truth is that there should be very few "fellowship breakers" or issues that separate us from other like minded believers. ...

In view of how we seem to devour each other ... one MUST ask, "where is the love?" It is through our "ahava" or "love" that the world should tell that we are disciples of our Master.
yeah, it's easy to sit behind a keyboard and make sweeping proclamations about how knowledgable we are.
I'm starting to realize the more I know the more I realize I DON'T know.
I also notice sometimes those that blab the most understand the least. Wonder why that is.
*shuts up now*
Nathan7 said:
We recently received this information from a friend of BiblicalFamilies.org. It's very interesting and encouraging. Perhaps some of us who feel comfortable in a Messianic setting also live close enough to one of these congregations to check one out. I don't personally know anything about the Rabbi, except for a bit I've read at the website.


BYSW (YATI) has congregations in many of the fifty states and in the entire world. You can find the directory here - http://yourarmstoisrael.org/BYSW/directory/

This has really shaken up the messianic world and this brave Shepherd is taking a beating. Please consider sending him an email of encouragement for his stand for the Patriarchal truth. You can reach him at ravmoshe@bellsouth.net

He lost several congregations just after he announced this new Patriarchal direction for the assemblies he is overseeing. However, at the annual conference this year, they gained 30 more leaders from around the world making the total number of congregation leaders nearly 100. Amazing. I know that the Almighty is working somehow in this organization.

The organization website is http://www.yourarmstoisrael.org, and here is the statement:

Statement recently released by YATI
We the people of Yisrael under the eternal guidance of YHWH Maker of heaven and earth and our Savior Yahshua, YHWH’s only begotten Son, do declare this Shabbat the 9th day of the 4th month (7-12-08) the following proclamation:
“We the people of the third annual BYSW Leaders Congress do recognize the biblical guidelines of kadosh/holy matrimony to include both monogamy and patriarchal marriage, also known as plural marriage. These options are declared clean and kosher and as such we as BYSW cannot continue to follow in the error of the age, by calling unclean what YHWH has blessed.
With one unanimous voice in this historic declaration, we become the first known major Nazarene Yisraelite, or Messianic organization to fully, publicly and unapologetically, without the fear of man, do embrace and declare this truth.
All who seek, or follow either acceptable alternative, are to be welcomed with love, care and compassion into the fellowship and assembly of the Nazarene Yisraelite brethren, whether they be everyday Yisraelites or those among us seen and acknowledged as YHWH’s chosen leaders.
May all who come in and for shalom receive this official proclamation of the BYSW.”
Shabbat 7-12-2008

Just for information sake, this is a anti-trinitarian group of churches. I share this with those Trinitarians who may find them offensive for this position.
I for one fail to see three gods, I only see support for one God in all scripture.
I think where we get confused there is simply what we see as form. Even James says we do we to believe in 1 god, even the demons believe and tremble.
This should probably get it's own thread though. I'm working on a paper for this, if someone is kind enough to remind me, I'll post it on here when I'm finished.
I'm starting to realize the more I know the more I realize I DON'T know.

The fear of the Lord may be the beginning of wisdom, but I suspect this is second. I have also seen that those who "have it all figured out", are the ones who are least helpful in terms of sharing "it" with everyone else. (To be more blunt: their approach means they are usually written off quickly - regardless of content.)

Part 2:
those Trinitarians who may find them offensive for this position.

Well, I think this touches on the important issue in this thread. Are they denying the divine nature of Jesus/Yeshua? (That I would have a problem with.) If not, then stop being offended. Of course there is only one God, of course he had only "one begotten son" and manifests himself through the Holy Spirit. Once again, it appears men created a false division among themselves because of our need to label/categorize/claim-that-we-fully-understand the unfathomable mysteries of God! Who are we to say we can possibly understand His manifestations? Let God be God - worship and fear, and be in awe. And love your brother as yourself! - even with his feeble need to label things in a way that makes him feel comfortable, right or wrong.
Nathan7 said:
it appears men created a false division because of our need to label/categorize/claim-that-we-fully-understand the unfathomable mysteries of God! Who are we to say we can possibly understand His manifestations? Let God be God - worship and fear, and be in awe. And love your brother as yourself! - even with his feeble need to label things in a way that makes him feel comfortable, right or wrong.
Now that's a mouthful, and seems to me to pretty much be the way it is. Should we be explaining Yahweh or should he be explaining life to us? I was chatting with a guy today, and once again, I'm convinced you are right. Those who are busy speaking have very little time for listening (guilty) and how can we hear the set apart spirit if we are doing the blabbing?
I'm glad to hear That the messianic group made a public statement about an unpopular truth. So often a person who gets a paycheck from a denomination or organization will tow the party line rather than risk crossing the powers that be. I believe that the subject of plural marriages is not just going to go away, to many believers are seeing it . Perhaps it is part of the restoration of all things. Praise Yahuweh ! Brian
I find the announcement very encouraging ... very encouraging indeed!

A comment to the "sub-topic" that has come up here:

Didn't our Lord say that the world would know us as His disciples by the love that we have for one another?

However, the history of those who profess to follow Him has been anything but loving, hasn't it? Even today - as has so correctly been pointed out - strife and division are rife. Isn't it really, if we will step back and think about it, more than just a little bit silly to fight about whether God is one person, or two or three? Or about any of those other things which so easily divide us?

As Paul taught us: Let each be fully convinced in his own heart, for what does not proceed from faith is sin.

"Divide and conquer" ... Satan has used this tactic VERY well, hasn't he?

The world is watching us, and our Lord told us we would be known as His disciples through our love for one another.
While I am glad that more people are accepting that polygyny is an acceptable lifestyle, I am very wary of this organisation. The leader of this organisation has views concerning our Master that seem to diminish Him. Please, check out the Wikipedia article on Cerinthus that I edited to reflect the theology of "Reb" Moshe:

Yes i am the overseer of BYSW and can confirm that we proclaim boldly the clear fact that Yahshua is Yahweh come in the flesh and He is fully YHWH. Shalom
Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky
Yes all believers are welcome to join in and celebrate YATI Int'l Ministries and BYSW as the first to take this bold step!
ravmoshe said:
Yes i am the overseer of BYSW and can confirm that we proclaim boldly the clear fact that Yahshua is Yahweh come in the flesh and He is fully YHWH. Shalom
Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky

What about your article titled the "The Greater and Lesser YHWH" (http://yourarmstoisrael.org/Articles_ne ... ser&type=8), where you say that,

the world was not created by the Supreme Deity but by a certain power emanating from Him.

You haven't removed the article, so I assume that you still teach that heresy.

What do you think of Tim Hegg's article written about your beliefs? He equates what you teach with gnostic heresy. Those who are interested in Hegg's response to Koniuchowsky's ideas should carefully consider the following:

http://www.torahresource.com/EnglishArt ... erYHVH.pdf

I really don't like it when people preach heretical ideas that diminish my Master.