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Meat 'Midrash' vs Ye Olde 'cult' label

Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
This was prompted by a comment (thanks, Steve) from another thread:
It’s easy to denigrate those who believe deeply in what they have discovered in walking their walk, but if you don’t believe that what you believe is better than other beliefs, what good are your beliefs? Are they worth fighting and dying for? Why not?
But hey, if a man is teaching something a bit too far from the mainstream, he is obviously a cult leader. Right?

It seems as though the 'cult' label has become almost as ubiquitous, depending on the forum, as "conspiracy theorist," or "right-wing extremist," or homophobe/transphobe/et-al-phobe among the Worldly.

The common denominator, if I may be so bold, seems to be, "I can't DEFEND my beliefs, but I AM very offended that you challenge them," and, since I innately recognize they may well be INDEFENSIBLE, I'd prefer just to censor any possible alternative "free speech." Especially in a 'private forum,' which - if it's not already obvious - boils down now to EVERYWHERE in a Fascist State, by definition. Orwell was right: 'Groupthink' is mandatory, and even the language is being re-written to make an alternative thought even impossible to express ('Double-think,' then 'Newspeak.')

The purpose, and very CONCEPT of 'midrash' - in what Paul knew as the Hebrew-mindset of the Messiah (Phil. 2:5) - was that "iron sharpens iron." We learn by answering tough questions, defending our faith, and the reasons why we believe. In short, by teaching.

If you can't DEFEND your beliefs - why have them? And if you can't express them, "in season, and out," to "give account" to others for what you believe, and why, then you certainly aren't speaking "boldly!" - as we "ought to speak."

Admittedly, it really bugs me when people are hypocritically dogmatic (e.g., the "anti-election ballot riggers" prattle about "democracy" while they destroy even the bedrock concept) and proclaim "can't we all just get along," but the only way that can happen is if YOU stuff a sock in it!

OK, well, here - maybe just a li'l bit, but only in the Ghetto...'till we don't like what you say, even there.

I continue to contend that to avoid "tough topics" - especially when I believe, personally, that they are ABSOLUTELY central to an understanding of Scripture that underlies our perception and observance of what constitutes 'marriage' - is not only short-sighted, but ultimately self-defeating. Yes, the 'moderation' is - on occasion, at least - less onerous now than some of us 'old-timers' remember from days gone by, but to say that we will allow only a BIT of iron-sharpening, up until when the Karens can't handle the Truth, is to coddle milk-drinking. We can, and must, do better. At least HERE, in the Ghetto. IMHO.

I agree with Steve, too, that there is a right way to do it. I will confess to having grown short-tempered with endless vain repetition of tired, multiply-debunked arguments. I generally now just simply move on, unless asked directly, and honestly. Then, rest assured, you will receive an honest answer. And I can BACK it UP with Scripture, too. "Your mileage may vary," but we can have an actual discussion. Maybe. (Right, Zec?)

And, most of us will admit that, while a few 'newbies' may read a thousand pages or so of old threads, the vast majority don't. They ask questions. That has been the way humankind has ALWAYS been, as any parent will appreciate.

Example: (I'll put in a link.*) "Sun-god day." Like it or not, even the etymology of the word reveals its derivation. And here's my clarification - IN this thread, IN this ghetto: You can worship any day you want. Rest, too. Hell, not at all even, but each of us will be responsible for our own choices. But if I am ASKED my understanding from Scripture, again, rest assured, I can give it. If you're not convinced - fine. It may get censored; NOT so fine, but we're used to what Big Brother is conditioning his slaves to by now anyway, right?

But in a thread where the topic was a specific, recorded midrash, which INCLUDED what I contend is one of the most undeniable, "bright red flashing light" TAGS about the issue (it's called an atbash in Hebrew - listen to the recording if you care) that proof text sets up the point I was making. It wasn't even the main point in itself. Yet, some are 'offended', and want to focus on what I contend is a singular, out-of-context, twisting of a phrase that doesn't even mean what those so readily offended claim it does. And it was already debunked -- multiple-fold -- in the recording. Again, I don't make people listen (Zec proudly proclaims he WON'T; Samuel can't be bothered to spend the time: Fine. But leave those alone who would CHOOSE to try to understand more than a sound-bite.)

I have NEVER said (and would not!) that those who fail to "set apart" His seventh-day Sabbath are 'going to hell.' But He says to do whatever He says to do (read it for yourself) and that it carries a blessing. And the Bereans are mature enough to search that out for themselves, too, but I'm happy to provide easy pointers (they are ALL over the Bible.)

To summarize:

I have no problem with spirited, honest discussion. It is VITAL to strengthening our faith, and our fellowship!

Yes, old arguments repeated ad nauseam do become tiring,. Been there, done that, have the T-shirt.

But - if you can't defend what you believe, why bother? And it's CERTAINLY not something that you have enough trust in, therefore, to act (because it does!) as though your very life and soul depend on it! "If you love Me, keep My commands."
I contend that it's fair to ask, "which commands?"

My answer -- "as for me and my house, we will serve YHVH." And that means ALL of 'em. All that we can. Which obviously, isn't "all 613" - or whatever - and it NEVER HAS BEEN. (No, that's not 'dispensationalism,' it's Reality.) Men can do women things, or priest things, or king things. Don't sweat it. And you can't "sacrifice" where there IS no place to do it, so don't sweat that, either.

We don't have to all 'agree' on everything. Not even marriage. But if you can't even TALK about it, or defend your convictions - you are a Totalitarian, whether it's of the socialist, or Marxist, or fascist, or whatever economic faction. There are plenty of fora you'll feel welcome on - from X to TikTok to Instagram to TwoFacebook, to CNN and MSNBC. Go there and wallow in the Enforced Unity.

But please let "iron sharpen iron." At least a bit, at least in the Ghetto. 'They' certainly intend to shut that down eventually anyway.

* the link: https://biblicalfamilies.org/forum/threads/the-golden-calf-is-so-yesterday.17192
The fact that YHVH dramatically emphasizes the importance of His sabbaths is undeniable, but it is only an element of the midrash itself, which has to do with 'golden calves' -- then and NOW -- and Aaron's culpability. Again, which applies today, too.
To me a cult is any group that specifically retaliates against any member who leaves or tries to leave the group.

That simple.
The common denominator, if I may be so bold, seems to be, "I can't DEFEND my beliefs, but I AM very offended that you challenge them," and, since I innately recognize they may well be INDEFENSIBLE, I'd prefer just to censor any possible alternative "free speech."
You are right that this is a serious problem everywhere now. It is sometimes an issue with those who have the means and ability censoring the speech of others, but most people do not have those means, so that is the rarest form it takes, just the most obvious. It is more frequently an issue with those whose words are indefensible and do not have an ability to censor first shouting people down, if that fails making accusations against the other in an attempt to get them to give up and shut down their speech themselves, and finally as a last resort trying to persuade someone else to censor them. It's everywhere now, we see it in screaming trannies and Karens in the world, and we see it in churches and on this forum. It starts with "shouting down", and the most common expression of that here is when someone has a point to make, and their thread is instead flooded with people taking issue with some minor detail and going on and on about it preventing the original point from being discussed - a common issue you've had to deal with @Mark C, and there's not much I can do about it because that too is free speech, it's a use of free speech against free speech, and the line is so fuzzy it's difficult to identify. And most people who are doing it won't even realise that they are, they're just caught up in their own strong opinion about something and are not looking at the big picture - so I expect both you and I have been guilty of it ourselves at some point, it's that difficult to avoid. Yet it's a starting point that leads down a darker road.
...It starts with "shouting down", and the most common expression of that here is when someone has a point to make, and their thread is instead flooded with people taking issue with some minor detail and going on and on about it preventing the original point from being discussed - a common issue you've had to deal with @Mark C, and there's not much I can do about it...
True, Samuel, but that wasn't the issue, nor any element of my reason for the thread. (Much less a request.)

I want people to be aware of it.

Like those who prattle about "democracy" - and don't even know what form of government the US actually HAD, and don't want anything like it anyway - there is talk here of "brotherhood," and "unity in Christ," and what is or is not "salvific," and on and on.

And I REALLY don't have a problem with those who believe (in my opinion, obviously, independently of Scripture) where "sun-god day" came from, and replace Sabbath; or what they choose to eat, or not, or how many 'wives' they have, (licensed or not) or whether they circumcise themselves, or whatever.

But I do believe that if they CHOOSE to read Scripture like a Berean, and conclude that a man may, in fact, have one or more marriages, that they should also be able to ask questions - and get honest answers, from Scripture - about all the other consequences that will flow from that choice, and how to deal with them.

Midrash is ABOUT 'spirited discussion.' We should have much MORE of that here, for the benefit of all.
To me a cult is any group that specifically retaliates against any member who leaves or tries to leave the group.

That simple.
I like your definition but I think we need to add something about thought control; not allowing "dangerous" persons into the cult (usually people with knowledge) or driving thinkers out of the cult (using whatever means needed: proxies, public embarrassment, or just general nastiness so the undesirable will leave).
I like your definition but I think we need to add something about thought control; not allowing "dangerous" persons into the cult (usually people with knowledge) or driving thinkers out of the cult (using whatever means needed: proxies, public embarrassment, or just general nastiness so the undesirable will leave).
We could say: all allowed persons are ones thinking same as cult leader.