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Money makers


I've been on expert village before and that's a fairly good website. I might have to think about doing a couple of these. I'm actually just about to get into another deal sort of like this, but it's actually a way to get paid for stuff you ALREADY pay for. Like cell phone bills, satellite bills, etc.

We could start answering theological questions through these sites and start changing beliefs. lol, Diabolical, I know.
I suppose we could sell indulgences as the Catholic church used to. But we would probably just use them up before we could get them sold. As with Martin Luther though, the Lutherans here might have a problem with indulgences though. :lol:
I saw an article recently that talked about a town in the midwest that had a population of about 240 people. The town had advertised that they wanted to attract people to live there so they were willing to give two parcels of land and $20,000 toward building a house. The town was also willing to give $50,000 toward establishing a business there.

The article was about a family (the only one) who had gone there. They found the town to be clicqueish, but we wouldn't care about that, would we? I thought the idea of investigating this option might be worthwhile.

Just a thought.
