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MORE ON GENETICS - *WARNING* This could be controversial

Edward the Elder

By the mercy and grace of our LORD GOD, YHVH, and by the Blood of His express image and PERSON, we, the deceitful worms of His Creation, are forgiven our desperation and disobedience to Him when we repent of our sinful ways knowing that without Him we are but flesh, here today, gone tomorrow. Great is our GOD and greatly to be praised. As it is written, our flesh is at enmity with truth and few of us are willing to admit this, much less actually do something about it. The first century Bibles did not exist as we understand Bibles today. They were merely collections of manuscripts and letters by those few individuals who, by the Wisdom of our LORD and SAVIOUR, thought it good to keep them and to copy them for the sake of posterity and to maintain a written record of the wonderful works of the MESSIAH. GOD never makes mistakes. His Word is preserved in the heavens and throughout all Creation until the time of the end. The GOD-BREATHED RUACH of that HOLY ONE brings life to all the COSMOS and all the stars and planets and everything that has breath does praise Him. Is it not written that in the last days that knowledge would be increased but that MANKIND, having a form of godliness, would deny the POWER thereof?

Here is that knowledge which I continually return to in its returning to me: Why are we not pleased to serve Him in the roles which He has granted us? Did the Word not say "male and female He created them"? Wherefore it was also ordained of GOD that Adam should also be made male and female, but the woman was made female only. Alas, the humanists have even gone so far as to pervert SCIENCE, to deny the record that is written into our very DNA. Every man, woman, and child is either male, having both the female and male x and y chromosome, OR, female, bearing no y chromosome but a double measure of the x chromosome. This is Genetics 101. THINK OF IT: In every single human body cell we find these genetics, the very record of His own signature in creation is written into our human genome. By His own Hands was the Adam formed out of the dust of the earth, and by His own Breath was the Adam given life. Without the "y" chromosome there is no MALE; but this analogy does not break down so easily, because this analogy is REALITY. Alas, even science has given itself over to the perversion of Darwinism and the egalitarian agenda to deny the truth that is plainly before their faces. Scientists are no longer concerned with the truth but they do make humanistic excuses for their findings and now turn to the fabrications of myths because they reject the truth of their origins. Please allow me to continue with this analogy for a moment. A revelation of GOD can be found in every strand of human DNA.

Adam was made for GOD's own pleasure. I would not pervert the scripture but I implore the reader to consider that Eve was taken out of Adam and that in the beginning, the Adam contained the genetic material for both the Adam and the Eve. Adam was certainly a different sort of creature at that time, having within his body, the material for both the male and for the female that was necessary to initiate procreation: (Y, X, X, X). Now GOD saw fit from the beginning to separate the flesh from the flesh to make ADAM (Y, X) and EVE (X, X). Notice then that concerning the flesh, The Man has a measure of that substance in his being that GENETICALLY is rendered FEMALE. In this respect it can be said that a Man most certaily has a "female side" or quality about him. This is further verified by the fact that men have nipples. Do men suckle their young? Eve, on the other hand, has a double measure of the FEMALE chromosome, the X. She does not have a "male" side. She is completely unable to "get in touch with her male side" except she joins to a man. Potentially, men have a better chance of knowing what it means to be FEMALE than a woman is capable of knowing what it means to be MALE. Now this scientific truth is continually being swept under the rug by EVOLUTIONISTS and SECULAR HUMANISTS because it totally dispells the religion of their perverse theories and casts down all the idols and icons of their IDEOLOGY. How dare a man say he understands what it means to be FEMALE!!! But the record remains written in the cell of every human being. A man definately has the capacity to understand a measure of this human condition, whereas the woman has no capacity in her flesh for understanding what it means to be male. This was GOD's own grande design. Many scientists as a result have turned to CREATIONISM for answers because of these findings. They are scoffed at and mocked by their peers but the record and the account found in the DNA of all animals continues to support these findings. I will repeat this revelation:

Whereas a man does have an inkling in his physical capacity of what it means to be female in the flesh, he does not have the capacity to understand this fully, because he does not have that double measure of genetic material that the woman has. Conversely, the woman has no inkling, no clue, within her physical capacity of what it means to be male in the flesh because she has no genetic material in her for her to relate to this condition of MALENESS. Having the male genome that she requires to make this claim is completely foreign to her. It is alien to her. She only has within her the double X sex chromosomes. . . The double measure required in order to render her a female.

Wherefore, as MEN, we must be forgiving of WOMEN in their inability to understand us. They do NOT have a "male" side. GOD has given us men a measure of ability and some capacity to understand women, but it does not work the other way. Fortunately, both genders have a measure of "common ground". That said, a man will never understand what in means to be fully female in the flesh. He can only imagine. He cannot know. Men can appreciate beauty, flowers, butterflies, pretty things without being effiminate. That is also why men can appreciate women; but how can a woman appreciate that which makes him a man except she join with him in the flesh? Friend, this is all part of GOD's grande design, compromised by a serpent and a spirit which despised the DESIGNER.

That spirit has managed to corrupt and to pervert the flesh. Today, even our genetics are breaking down. In Man's knowledge of biology and zoology he has scrambled to preserve his DNA but it is a losing battle. Fortunately, GOD has shortened the days that would have led to Man's complete demise; but already we see in nature the result of this genetic breakdown not only in humans, but in all living things that have breath. The old 'carbon copies' are wearing out... The code is not replicating properly anymore... There are blanks and gaps in the genome... Mutations are also becoming increasingly common and genetic anamolies are on the increase. The corruption of our genetics began in the garden and as a result all creation is compromised.

People can argue that in the BODY of Christ there is no male or female all they wish. We have a responsibility to our fleshly tabernacles, our temples, however humbling they may be. Why then, is there no male of female in the BODY of Christ? A: Because GOD is a SPIRIT and in the SPIRIT there can be no schizm. Adam was as GOD before Eve was taken out of him, made in the IMAGE of GOD, but not GOD ALMIGHTY. This is also why the HOLY SPIRIT is NOT the "female person" of GOD. First and foremost, GOD is a Spirit and they that worship GOD must worship HIM (notice the word is "HIM") in spirit and in truth. AGAIN: The Person (singular) of GOD of Whom we who believe in truth, know to be male, is none other than Christ, the MESSIAH. All of GOD you can ever hope to see dwells in the MESSIAH BODILY. GOD is one.

May He bless you and keep you and may His Face shine upon you and grant you peace
Hey there, Edward. Looks like you had a lot on your mind this morning! I think you need your own blog! They have free blogs that you can set up to journal in at blogspot.com. Let us know if you set one up so we can read it! :)

Nice writeup, as I was reading it I was wondering when you would get to genetic breakdown. I think its worthwhile to add that it is that that is responsible for the extremely rare and extremely well publicized (because of humanist media) where someones male or femaleness is not so genetically clear.
Anyone here ever hear about something called TRANSHUMANISM?

(Just thought I should ask before I start talking about it. It's another one of those "mind blowing" sorts of topics. Waaaaaaay out there!)
GENESIS 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

When I consider this verse, it could just be the case. BTW... Did you get my correct email addy this time? :)
Edward I suspect you are drinking either too much soy milk or not enough. I drink it also. A person has to drink soy milk in moderation.
No, I don't think I did. I'm glad you posted here, I've checked your site but I'm used to the new messages icon being quite a bit more noticeable, I never actually checked my messages over there... Well, I will now.

Alright, hopefully you have the letter now.

Mathew Henry's commentary is kind of dull, but his opinion on this verse is kind of interesting

(6.) The children of men were now finally scattered, and never did, nor ever will, come all together again, till the great day, when the Son of man shall sit upon the throne of his glory, and all nations shall be gathered before him, Mat_25:31, Mat_25:32.

To which I we will come together for rebellion and in the end bring ourselves to final judgment.
:lol: Not at all, Welltan, my good friend. I have something better than soy milk. Monsanto can keep their poison. I have the strong meat of true doctrine, and that by the grace of GOD. These are the folks that represent the origins of where my walk with my MESSIAH began: APOSTOLIC ONENESS. They have a good deal of true doctrine but GOD has not opened their eyes to full BIBLE truth. In my opinion, they would do well to consider the time we are living in because they cannot stay the prophecies of GOD. Less sons are being born to mothers while more daughters keep on coming. War is increasingly become more and more prevalent while impotency is on the rise. Some say that ISAIAH FOUR has already occurred but I say watch, it's coming around again. Prophecy is cyclical and each time it cycles it becomes truer and truer. History has repeatedly proven this. Anyway, have you heard of TRANSHUMANISM?


Check it out
Hi Edward. Thanks for the youtube link, interesting stuff. I think the transhumanism push comes from something way back at the tower of babel, or before that in the garden, seeking to have our eyes open and be like God. I used to think that humans would go so far and then God would stop us and bring the end of time; however I now believe he wont stop us. Instead we will achieve transhumanism, we will develop self-aware computers, we will have full genetic knoweldge and control; and we will use it all to make this world such a hellhole that we will be ground to a pulp in a mincer of our own making. And maybe then God will step in. Maybe in the year 2525 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhNM2K8cmU8? )
I don't think we have that much time, Ylop. Personally, I think anyone who believes we have more than a century left is an optimist extrordinaire. Consider 1910. No telephones, no television, no automobiles, no airplanes, and we were just playing around with electricity and RF at that time and electricity as a public utility was a big dream, so definitely no p.c.s ... Alot can happen in a century. But I do agree that the whole Transhumanism thing isn't exactly good news. I think it is likely as you say. That there were civilizations even more advanced than we are doesn't really require a big stretch in imagination. In fact, it is highly probable. Of course this sort of thinking requires a little humility and perhaps the objectivity to consider that maybe other humanoid entities have lived on this planet before homo sapiens appeared. Personally, I don't think the Holy Bible refutes it and I am not completely convinced that the Creationist's day translates to one thousand of our current "earth years" either. That doesn't exactly make me a Darwinist; but methinks the LORD is going to "step in" a good deal sooner than 2525. Who can say for sure? I'll go check out that link you shared.

GOD bless you and thanks
I found your link and the transhuman information ineresting. I wonder if that all could be related to the abomination that creates desolation in prophecy.