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New Here From Vermont

Heidi Lee

New Member
I've just joined this site. I'm married to a wonderful Christian man and we are studying the subject
of polygamy. At this point just seeking like minded people to be able to share thoughts & questions
with and waiting on God to see where He leads us in this. Look forward to getting to know all of you.
Heidi Lee
Heidi Lee said:
I've just joined this site. I'm married to a wonderful Christian man and we are studying the subject
of polygamy. At this point just seeking like minded people to be able to share thoughts & questions
with and waiting on God to see where He leads us in this. Look forward to getting to know all of you.
Heidi Lee

Hello and Welcome,

I hope you have a chance to look at our links located on our front page. One of the links has a book that is entirely online entitled "Man and Woman in Biblical Law" by Tom Shipley. This book is one of the most recent ones on this subject and quite thorough. It may answer most of your questions. My new blog will eventually address a host of issues as time allows.
Heidi Lee,
Welcome from The Chaplain and myself. Hope you learn a lot from here. God's Blessings
Welcome glad to have you here.
I love Vermont so much. I lived there for 1 year when I was young. It is the most beautiful place I have seen in my life!!There are lots of small town liberals (oxymoron?) and It is very cold and I got fat eating Ben & Jerry's everyday (it is cheap there) but I love it!! :D
Hi, Heidi Lee:

Nice to meet you.

I've not seen Vermont myself yet, but I hear it's a really lovely place.

Remember Helen and Scott Nearing's 1st farm being there.

welcome Heidi Lee
Also lived in Vermont for several years. Now live in maine. Glad to hear from someone in New England.
Welcome form Toronto!

David and Rachael