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not sure of the topic

Paul not the apostle

Real Person
Sometimes I feel like prayer requests for me are selfish, but I know that I enjoy sharing the burdens of my friends here on BF, so here it goes. I am apprehensive about posting personal things here due to the public nature of the site and those that read it, friend and foe.

I am having a pretty big struggle emotionally and spiritually right now, and a little "depression" thrown in to the mix as well. I am not distraught or going off the deep end, but would like to just get it out there in hopes of feeling better by just unloading a little. I know that many of you know things about what I am going through right now and I appreciate your prayers, it is always different than what we think it is, I don't really feel comfortable giving a "tell-all" right now. Please just pray that God sustains me until I can drag myself back up to a standing position and dust myself off. I would rather be covered in dust and ashes due to my repentance or punishment, and not because I just ran off the road and fell flat on my face.

Thanks, you are all cherished friends.

BTW, no it is not about my marriage to DeeAnn, her as a person, or anyone else in my life specifically, it is about me only.
Paul, you're not a bad egg. So if you lose your balance and roll over on your side a bit, just reckon that's when God, in His mother hen role, just covers you with His wings for a while. (Ps 91 or somesuch.) :lol: Love you, Bro.
Good post, I always get a bit of 'depression' in the late winter before spring comes. Not enough going out and not enough sun is enough to cause it. Anyway, I hope you can cut down on your load a bit and feel better.
I sat outside on the swing today for an hour, and played soccer with 3 of the kids. It was really nice outside and the play was fun. Nolan is MR. BIG when we play super puncher guy soccer army dirtbike. Or any combination of those things that give him the little testosterone jolt. I am taking DeeAnn's garlic tonic and indulging in ice cream and homemade cinnamon rolls as a back up.
Totally understand about not wanting to post anything personal on a public site. But again, what an example you are to show that you are not above prayer and need. We will be praying for you!...Fine Jade

Paul, this is bowbe4him... I wanted to let you know what an encouragement you are to me and to others. You always have a good things to say to others. THANK YOU FOR THAT!. We will be praying for you.
Paul, may God turn your trials to triumphs and your tears to telescopes. We will be praying every night for you.
From what I've read on the forums about/from you; I'd say your a good guy, and on a good path. So don't fret to much...
Get some sun, and do something out of the ordinary for your family. (Not with, but for)

Depression is also an emotion created by God, you can learn as much if not more from it than some of the others; even if its not fun... haha...

Have a great day,
Doing a little better, thank all of you for your thoughts and comments and prayers.

I know that with all the other things going on, I am just now realizing that a large portion of my thingy here has to do with finances, or lack of them. Actually, it is the waiting game of collecting payment that comes from being self employed. I am waiting on 7 payments right now, for completed work and work to be ordered and it seems like it is all about to hit, and then another week goes by, then another, then surely not another, but then it finds some way to drag out again. It is rather remarkable, it is like being in a museum and seeing my money as an exhibit in a four sided glass case and not being able to do anything except look at it. We are fed, warm, and showering, but it would be nice to collect the money and pay off my vendors.

Crazy. God has truly blessed us with enough work to make it through this economic time, which is amazing enough, the failure rate is up to 90% for all categories of subcontractors in our area. And we have been blessed with more than we need. We are just waiting on those collections, and I need to realize that it is not up to me, but God to provide the release of the money.
We don't exactly understand what you're going through Paul (never been self-employed) but have had our own rough times when Chris was out of work several years ago. Financial stress can really make you feel like you're suffocating I know. I know it is amazing that somehow, someway God does provide in the end! Truly amazing. We will be praying for you and the family.
We did get some money in, and should get more this week, although the real root of my problem was not really money. It sure does help, though. Thank you for all of your prayers.

Paul sorry i did not respond sooner but just got computer fixed and back on line then forgot password and tried tomany times and got locked out just got back on but hav been praying for you love you Brother hope to hook up with you and family again soon Be Blessed in all you do
Wan you to know that God will never put more on us than we can handle even if sometimes we think we may not be able to make it. Financial problems can lead to so many problems and depression is on of them. Just about every home in our country are going through these tough times, but I do believe we can and will see a light at the end of the tunnel. I will be praying that things continue to turn around for you and God will grant you the strngth to endure any problems that you face in your life. I have dealt with a pretty terrible situation in my life but I have learned that it is only making me a better man, one of the reason is the strength laid on my heart by God. Remember stay strong, keep praying and asking GOd to do his will on your life and give you the power and strength to provide for your family.

Take Care,

James and Lacey Hunt
"God's Will be Done"