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Oh, I am important?


New Member
Recently, I was asked by friends to express my thoughts on submission in a practical way. This post is intended to view this subject in light of practicality, not theological technicality. Here are my practical thoughts on the word submit.
We are commanded as wives to submit to our husbands. What is submission? The most practical working definition for this word is “to give”. You see, when I am finished writing this post, I will scroll down and hit the “submit” button. What I am doing then is giving this post over to the authority of the administrators. They have the same authority over this article as I do. They can edit it, delete it, or let it continue as it is. You can’t as a reader, but I can as the writer, and they can as the administrators. When we as women are commanded to submit ourselves, we are being commanded to give ourselves to our husbands. Have we given ourselves to our husbands, or are we still holding back? Don’t hold yourself back, for this is good in the sight of God. If we do not give ourselves to our husbands, they lack all that is necessary to accomplish God’s objective for their lives. No, submission does not degrade us, it elevates us as essential to God’s purpose. Our submission can catapult them to distinction, or our rebellion can confine them to destruction. Look at how important we are ladies. You have all heard the phrase, “behind every great man is a great woman”. I would like to say thank you to my loving husband who has led me in these wonderful truths.
Nicely put, I really like the analogy of the "Submit" button for the forums.
Wow! Probably the best, clearest and most concise article on submission I have ever read. Making it even more valuable is that it came from a womans perspective. Thanks for posting this.

Well written ! I enjoyed the analogy, as well ! Thanks for posting this :D
Good thoughts, cbv3123

I am going to go ahead and say this: You are putting to shame some of the older ladies that have left off doing their work for the Lord. As we all know, the older ladies are to teach the younger (Titus 2:3-5) how to be good wives and they have stopped doing so for the most part.

Submission to your husband is chaste behavior (1 Peter 3:1-3). I will pray for you and your efforts and that you are able to influence other christian ladies around you.
it makes being a husband something that we have to live up to, not a position that we must wrest from the relationship ;)
Thanks for sharing this wonderful insight. A wife is there to complement and complete her husband. They have different roles, but by working together, they can build each other up. For a marriage to work, "you can't have one without the other."