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Ok I am going to need a lot of prayer to get this done!


Ok so today I had a meeting to talk about different ways to help the community. We got to talking about the homeless population and how even tho there are 12 shelters they still have to turn people away. So we got to talking about a way to help them. Most are in need of things to keep them out of the elements such as tents, sleeping bags, and of course hygene bags. The problem is money! Up to this point there have been 6 of us doing every thing out of pocket. Funds how ever are getting low as far as too what we can do. So I made a chip in account. Here's the link http://hustlas4christ.chipin.com/hustlas4christ if any one wants to help or maybe knows of a business that can donate or even help with the supplies please send them our way. Most of the churches have their own agenda out here so they aren't really wanting to help at this time. I am tryn to talk to the Dean at the college out here to see what help I can get from the students. I really want to do the Lords will on this. So even if you cant help or don't know any one who can, please pray that we will be led to those who can! I believe prayer opens many doors! Thanks every one!