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On the 'Trail'


Staff member
Real Person

We need to set up a patriarchal information booth somewhere early on Sanford's metaphorical 'Appalachian Trail'. It's sad to see the guys that go there don't even know the trail-less-taken is available, and honorable.
Can't you just see the ladies' ministry with their wives coming to us for help and guidance?


Isn't that why you planned the retreat up here? So you could hike the Appalachian Trail? For real.
I did my years on the real 'Trail', mostly in Pennsylvania in our church's "Boy's Brigade". We'd hike all weekend and sleep in our hammocks.

Then when I was about 25, I broke my big toe, running up and down a 1-mile rocky trail up to the Appalachian, in the dark, trying to rescue my mom who stayed a minute too long to watch the sunset, and took the wrong trail, behind us. It was going to freeze that night, too, and she just had a light sweater. Don't ask me how we missed her - I think we thought she was ahead of us, and when we got to the car and she wasn't there, I high tailed it back up, didn't find her, then back down in the pitch black, and stubbed my toe repeatedly.

Turns out God sent a guy from dad's old church (20 miles away), who just happened to be out driving in that remote mountain area (he never explained that), stumbled across us, and my dad told him, and he said "I know where she'll come out if she kept walking straight". He drove around the mountain and found her coming out to the road, in the dark.

I haven't remembered that whole story in quite a few years. My toe still bothers me though, it's severely arthritic, according to the Doctor who gave me a shot of Cortisone in it this year. Thanks for that, mom.

So my hikes are short these days (although we did 9 miles uphill to a falls after the NC retreat, in the Smokies - that was after the Cortisone), I prefer my kayak, or bicycle.
What? Haven't Tiger & his wife confirmed for the NY's retreat yet? :roll: :lol:

Along with SC Gov Sanford?
You know what's funny, we regularly take visitors boating by Tiger's house (yeah, that one), at least 5 forum members have been by there on my boat, and Paul and family just missed it this summer when the ramp was too busy - some times we stop and the kids swim off the boat right there. It's only 6 miles from our place. You should see the satellite trucks outside his community the last 2 weeks - you can't get into that gated and guarded neighborhood at all, but there's one public boat ramp on that chain of lakes, which is the prettiest in Central Florida. (His neighborhood tried to have that ramp closed, but the county wouldn't do it.)

I should have stuck some Biblical Families flyers on his jetskis.
They'd both (Tiger & the Gov) have to be willing to TAKE those women 'to wife', however. That may be the REAL problem...
Mark C said:
They'd both (Tiger & the Gov) have to be willing to TAKE those women 'to wife', however. That may be the REAL problem...

Well, they do seem to have the "taking" part down pat, anyway.