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Parable of the 10 Virgins


In the latter days - they will forbid marriage (1 Timothy 4:3). Council of Trent - not very long ago - polygyny was declared anathema from the “church.” Safe to say - these are the latter days.

Yahshua has a parable where he described himself marrying 5 virgins. So in essence he’s describing himself as a polygenist in this parable. So he’s standing up for his own Torah (Divine Instructions). He’s standing up for his faithful servants like Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Gideon, and David; all of whom had multiple wives, because they followed the truth; and he's standing up for his Father in Heaven - who we know blessed his capable and faithful servants with multiple wives.

In essence - I think the message is quite clear. If you have a problem with polygyny that’s based on the Creator's Torah - and you refuse to accept correction/truth (2 Timothy 3:16) - then you have a much bigger problem than being offended by what the "Old Testament" says about marriage, because you now have a personal problem with your Savior and Redeemer - Jesus (Yahshua). If you have a problem with polygyny - you have a problem with Yahshua. Who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The Rock does not change. Unlike sand - it changes with the wind. New age teachings pop up left and right. New laws. Additions and subtractions. But the Torah is already perfect reviving the soul - Psalm 19:7.
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