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Patriarchal Warriors


Real Person
Although this topic is primarily addressed to men, it is in this forum so that our ladies, some of whom are both formidable and fierce, may chime in ...

In studying about Spiritual Warfare using the S.W.A.T. seminar from jglm.org, the Warrior Mindset seems noteworthy to our topics. Why? Well, first off, it occurs to me that many of the Biblical Patriarchs, the men whose walk we admire, learn from, and perhaps emulate in many ways, were not just "leaders". They were Warriors.

Abraham had 613 men born, raised, and trained for war in his own camp. Someone swiped his nephew, they went to WAR!

Jacob fought with an angel. All night! Organized his tribe along military lines for travel.

Moses was a general.

David was -- DAVID! :lol: (We get the PICTURE, Cecil! :lol: )

Now here's the thing. We may not need to go out and fight wearing black jumpsuits and web gear and carrying ribles and hand grenades. But we ARE in a war nonetheless!

It is a spiritual war for our own souls, those of our wives and children, those whom the Lord wants to place in our care, and the general populace at large. We are given power to prevail (Lu 10:19), but we have to go get i nto the battle. A farmer who sits on his porch and looks at his fields isn't a farmer. He's a bum. He has to, at some point, go put some seed in the ground, etc. Similarly, a Warrior who just sita in church or at home READING or browsing te internet about being either a Patriarch OR a Spiritual Warrior isn't. He's gotta start DOING something about it.

It follows that, since ALL power & ALL authority has been given unto Jesus, Who has in turn placed it into us, NONE is left for the devil. Jesus utterly spoiled his kingdom. His only remaining, but very effective tactic, is to get us (persuasion, deception, coercion) to shut up, sit down, and stay on the porch / pew / office chair.

It follows that getting up, speaking up, and moving out are acts of open war, and will incite opposition. Most of us have encountered that opposition in families, church, even the job market. No matter. "Let us not grow weary in well doing, for we shall reap, if we faint not." (Gal 6:9) We win, if we keep on keeping on.

Single minded. Not letting distractions of this life turn us aside from our mission (set the captives free, destroy all the works of the devil, great commission, etc.)

We may need to train. Warriors do. Constantly. They are either preparing to fight, training to fight, fighting or recovering from and analyzing the last fight.

That's pretty intense. Not good-ole-boy laid back. Since I've been pretty much the latter (in my own view), I got some serious changing to do.

Okay. That opened the ball. Weigh in. Please! *grin*
Some good thoughts, Cecil.

Being all that we should be is hard for sure! I just shake my head at myself sometimes when I think about all the "good" things I should be doing in regards to my life and don't. You would think that doing "good" things for ourselves would be the easiest thing but no! We have to continuously guard our minds from the World's enticements, the Enemie's whispers in our ears and the laziness of our own bodies. I often have to remind myself that the scripture tells me that in my weakness, His strength is made know to me. I, of course, have to do my part but I can do it with hope in my spirit becuase I know He is going to help me in all things.

Also, I personally believe that getting our bodies moving in ANY WAY helps us get our minds and spirits moving in the right direction. Even if it is just doing jumping jacks in the bedroom at the beginning of the day...moving physicaly helps engage our brain and thus our thoughts to the right things.
I personally believe that getting our bodies moving in ANY WAY helps us get our minds and spirits moving in the right direction. Even if it is just doing jumping jacks in the bedroom at the beginning of the day...moving physicaly helps engage our brain and thus our thoughts to the right things.
I totally agree, physical work is not only good for our bodies but also our souls/spirits.
It follows that getting up, speaking up, and moving out are acts of open war, and will incite opposition. Most of us have encountered that opposition in families, church, even the job market. No matter. "Let us not grow weary in well doing, for we shall reap, if we faint not." (Gal 6:9) We win, if we keep on keeping on.
Yea it's easy to start wars isn't it. But you're correct Cecil, we must keep moving forward leading by example with wisdom.