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Picking a fight

Taloc, and the others who posted on that article,
I understand that at times you may be so overwhelmed in an argument that you forget what your purpose is.
I by no means am judging anyone, or condemning anyone. I just want to remind you that this whole lifestyle is about families, not about being right.
When you post on an open forums, or article, you don't know who sees that.

P.S. I go by Nic some times.
Nice one Nic, your comment was perfect to give Biblical families a plug.

I love the open forum because my point doesn't have to be to convince the person I'm debating, but to simply let people know the debate exists. I absolute love what you're doing there as you look like an impartial observer your admonitions to settle down greatly help my true purpose anyway.

Thanks Mark and Randy as well, there is now quite enough to make an impression on the readers. I'm loving how this is turning out.
No problem, glad I could help.