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Please pray for me


A lot of folks didn't know I got shot 4times a few months back. I haven't been training untill a couple of days ago per docs order. I am hurting so bad! I know the pain will go as I train, but it is so intense I can't even sleep and I will not take pain killers, due to the fact I believe in facing the pain so it will go away. Just pray that the pain curves at least enough too sleep. I have worked so hard to be able to train 4 hours a day, but even a little kills me. Poor Becky has to put up with me. I am glad she does. I love her and my kids so much and want to give them every thing I can. So the sooner I am cleared to fight the sooner I can get the big pay days again. Thanks every one. Every one here is a great group of people! I sure think a lot of all of you. That's why I am asking for prayer here and my church and that's it. Thanks again every one! Rev Gill
Revgill87123 said:
I am hurting so bad! I know the pain will go as I train..

We used to say in the Marine Corps that "pain is what you feel when weakness leaves your body". So I've always had an appreciation for physical pain. But having done this before you already know you're getting stronger.

I'll still keep you and yours in my payers. Yahuweh bless you, give you peace, and speed you through your recovery.