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PM as a Magnifying Glass


Real Person
Hypothesis: A monogamous marriage can have cruised or hobbled along for a number of years. The partners or antagonists may even have thought they had a pretty GOOD marriage. But that peacefulness could well cover a multitude of problems seething along just below the surface, and carefully kept from view by all involved.

Now add the possibility of PM to the equation, whether through interesting religious theory or hubby veering off the reservation, and watch what happens! It is like the marriage has suddenly been put under a magnifying glass! And all those sore points suddenly surface and need to be dealt with.

Either this will break the marriage, and sometimes it does, or it will strengthen it as the issues are examined and fixed. Either way, the stifling status quo has been disrupted.
-- End of Hypothesis --

What do y'all think?
Good thoughts there Cecil. You hit the nail square on the head with your post.
I can see your point and I think it's a good one from just seeing those I've witnessed, but fortunately Yahuweh answered my prayer and gave me my beautiful fiancé who accepted and believed in plural marriage even before we started dating and through her own research. So luckily plural marriage isn't going to be a point of contention for us.
Same for us. I told Becky how I was from day one as too not spark any confusion down the road. I think it has a huge possibility of that happening if people discover this later on in the marriage that PM is true. It can cause a lot of hidden feelings to come up. Not good considering that you should get your first marriage in order before you take in a second wife.
The Duke Of Marshall said:
I can see your point and I think it's a good one from just seeing those I've witnessed, but fortunately Yahuweh answered my prayer and gave me my beautiful fiancé who accepted and believed in plural marriage even before we started dating and through her own research. So luckily plural marriage isn't going to be a point of contention for us.