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Polygamy Activist Compares Gun Control to 'Marriage Control'

Re: Polygamy Activist Compares Gun Control to 'Marriage Cont

Good points, of course...but some of us admitted "extremists" have been making the same points for quite a few years. ;)

Consistency -- both Biblical and Constitutional -- becomes a crime when it is made Politically Incorrect.
Re: Polygamy Activist Compares Gun Control to 'Marriage Cont

Wow! The fact that they are starting to acknowledge us is huge! I think. The quoted at the end of the article, Matt Barber, is a guy my knows from her work with Concerned Women for America. She thinks pretty highly of him and she is not easily swayed. Can you imagine CWA feeling like they had to respond to a Christian polygamist a few years ago? It wouldn't have happened. I wonder if the left is going to latch onto us as a wedge issue between conservative evangelicals. I am trying to decide if I'm going to post this to my Facebook or not and reap the maelstrom that erupts everytime I touch the modern woman's sacred cow of romance marriage.
Re: Polygamy Activist Compares Gun Control to 'Marriage Cont

Whole article in a nutshell:

Mark Henckel says the original definitions should bear sway and Gov't has no right to interfere.

Matt Berber says that the current legal definitions are definitive and anyone wanting to brush them away in favor of the originals is trying to redefine things.

Hunh! Don't quite see the logic in one of them.