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Polygamy Vote

My Opinions:
It has been a proven fact; that in today’s US Census Bureau, there is an estimated 37.5 women to one man. And, in the eyes of Christianity, the reason there is lesbianism, is not because this is what women choose. Granted there are those who do choose that lifestyle, but for others, they go through B-Sexual Curiosity, to being Bi-sexual. If there are not enough men in this world, then that would explain why they choose lesbianism. There are other reasons too, but this is one I have done thorough research on.

With that in mind, then we have to figure on the facts:
* Moses, Noah, Abraham, and others of the Bible had more than one wife. God did not condemn them, cause if HE did they would not be mentioned in the Bible, nor would God or the son of God; Jesus have used them to spread the word.

*there are those in the country today who practice Monogamy, which is in short, 1 wife to 2 husbands, or 1 husband to more than 1 wife. And they either live in separate residencies, or within range of each other.

* The Mormons have lived this lifestyle for centuries throughout history. In a very brief summary, my research through verification, since I once was a Mormon myself; told me of a great argument to where the Mormons who continue to practice as part of their religion, Polygamy, moved to Missouri State. There they are as established as in Utah State, but not heard of as much; due to Utah being the most popular.

* The Missouri State Mormons then, became known as Jack Mormons, because they refused to give up their beliefs in Polygamy. Where as the Mormons in Utah, became known by current name; “Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints”.

* Even today, there is a Mormon compound, that has been on the news in the State of Texas. Not much is heard about them, but they are at least, no David Korish.

And, if Polygamy is supposed to be a great sin, then what about Lesbians and Gay guys? It says in the Bible, that that-is an abomination. YET, in CA State, they legalized Gay marriage. In fact, this would then be considered an act of discrimination against Polygamists, since they won’t abolish gay marriages.

In my opinion, if the government prohibits Polygamists, then it is ONLY fair, to prohibit Gay and Lesbian marriages, too. In the end, WE all, will have to face God on judgment day. It isn’t my place to judge, as God says; “Judge not lest YE be judged. For if you cannot forgive them of THEIR sins, neither can I forgive YOU of YOUR sins.”
37.5 to 1 women to men? what area is this in?
I always thought it was only a little over 1 to 1 ratio, supposedly 51% woman to 49% men from what I've been told, but maybe you are speaking of a certain demographic such as religion, or area.
^_^ said:
37.5 to 1 women to men? what area is this in?
I always thought it was only a little over 1 to 1 ratio, supposedly 51% woman to 49% men from what I've been told, but maybe you are speaking of a certain demographic such as religion, or area.


Actually it could be based on age as well. Early in life it seems as though men outnumber women, but from the census it shows that at age 85 and older the women outnumber men 3 to 1. Still not 37.5 to 1 though. Might be on the world statistics. After all, you don't hear of women going out and blowing themselves up like the men do.
at age 85 and older the women outnumber men 3 to 1

So it's our dads who should actually be polygamists, they are needed - go talk your mother into it. :)

37.5 to 1 sounds like wishful thinking. When we figure out where this is, I think the ratio will change in a hurry. :lol:
Nathan7 said:
37.5 to 1 sounds like wishful thinking. When we figure out where this is, I think the ratio will change in a hurry.

Yeah, I may need a U-Haul and a passport once we find that out.