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Prayer request.


New Member
First I would like say hello to everyone and I have noted everyone's request and will had theirs to ours at prayers.

There is a woman that we are interested in and have broached the subject with her. At first, she seemed very into the idea, we all talked about it and share similar feelings. However, at one point she started to think about "what would her daughter think" and subsequent family-first and foremost her daughter. Her daughter is graduating this in 2010 from highschool, of whom she lives with her father and has most of her life, Katy seems to think that when she finishs highschool that she will be coming to live with her. You can feel the bond we all share. ANYHOW, we would just like someprayers that the fact that she over comes her fears and comes around for us and to us. I'm sure her daughter will be more understanding and want her mom to be happy.

ty in advance

walter and renae
Sending prayers your way. I hope it works out for you.
Dear Walter and Renae,

Thank you for sharing. It is a painfully long wait for people to truly grasp the changes that plural marriage will bring to them, good and negative. I know you want her to trust in the happiness that you both want to give her but we must all walk at our own speed don't we. I will be praying that God touches her heart and lets her "fear not" of her daughter or anyone else. I commend you for your patience and willingness to help her thru this.

Hope for the future,
I just want to say thank you to those that have added our situation to they prayers.

Yeah, I was a scientist, career changed, and because of that I see it to logically I suppose.

U like us, we like you. 1+1=2 kind of thing and forget that sometimes ppl need to adjust and work their way into a comfort zone.

ty again and keepem coming..:)

W and R