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Prayer Requets


New Member
Real Person
Hello to All!

My name is Lacey and my husband and I recently joined this site. I would like to ask for everyone to please include me in their prayers as I am having a health issue. I am an insulin-dependent diabetic and was hospitalized in October for a diabetic ulcer on my toe. :eek: I have been out of work for 5 weeks now...the doctor looked at it on Thursday and put me out for another two weeks. It is taking very long to heal and is giving me incredible pain. I am a firm believer in prayer and believe the more people that pray, the more that can be healed so please help me in this request.

Bless All of You!
JamesandLacey said:
Hello to All!

My name is Lacey and my husband and I recently joined this site. I would like to ask for everyone to please include me in their prayers as I am having a health issue. I am an insulin-dependent diabetic and was hospitalized in October for a diabetic ulcer on my toe. :eek: I have been out of work for 5 weeks now...the doctor looked at it on Thursday and put me out for another two weeks. It is taking very long to heal and is giving me incredible pain. I am a firm believer in prayer and believe the more people that pray, the more that can be healed so please help me in this request.

Bless All of You!

Just prayed for you!
James & Lacey,

Will be praying, on our way to church. So what better place to pray - where 2 or more are gathered in my name! :) Keep on Keepin on with God, family and friends. God the true healer - best physican in life, hears our cries and never leaves us nor forsakes us. :) God be with thee, heal thee & Bless thee.

Warm Wishes,
Faithful Servant