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Prayer Update Jan 26


Real Person
Hey everyone,

Well, God has either a great plan or a great sense of humor, or both.

I just received word today that the radio station I work for will be changing hands midnight Jan 31. This comes as both unexpected, but not unprepared. I think God has been preparing my heart for this for some time.

I don't know what this means for the future, other than continuing to trust God for His grace and mercy. He is still in control, and can provide all my needs.

For now, keep me in prayer, as I take the next step....whatever that step is.


Doc we will keep you lifted in prayer and I know God has Big plans for you Be ready to take a Big step Love you Brother
He never closes a door but what He don't open a winder
we are with you doc, goin through some of those confusin, life-changin times ourselves
Amidst all the change and musical chairs that are going on in the world, this is the season of promotion for God's people. I'm sure it did not look this way to many of our patriarchs while they were in chaotic situations. But as they continued in faith they were promoted. And we are praying the same for you.

Bowbe4him and Fine Jade