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Prayers for families under attack



Devil must really hate we in this group are doing, For we are seeing some families on this board under extreme attack right now.

Please pray for God's grace to strengthen them at this time and resolve all areas where the devil finds room to attack.

Cecil and Cindy
This is something very important for those who are becoming knitted together on BF. We need to pray for each other often because as you said Cindy, the devil doesn't want ANY of us to be successful in plural marriage or even in our own spiritual walks. I would also like to add a request for prayer for all the families and individuals who will be coming to the retreat this month. The enemy would like nothing better than to stop someone from coming anyway he can. Our family prays often for those who would be coming to the retreats; for their protection and their abiblity to attend the retreat without problems.

Praying for His protection,
Make sure that the people driving have good spare tires. I once got 8 flat tires on the way to a place that God wanted me but Satan didn't.

The families in Texas are under attack too. Please keep us in prayer.

We just now prayed for the families here on BF, the fellowship, the retreat, and the leadership (and their families) as well.

Bowbe4him and Fine Jade
Make sure that the people driving have good spare tires. I once got 8 flat tires on the way to a place that God wanted me but Satan didn't.

8?? Wow. I thought getting one flat on the interstate on Halloween when my wife needed me was bad...
We were taking a backhoe to do some dirt work on a Christian rehab ranch. The flats were on the trailer. So in order to change the tire, we had to drive the backhoe off the trailer, use the backhoe to lift the trailer, change the tire and remount the backhoe. We almost gave up. It took us 8 hours to do a drive that should have taken 90 minutes at the most.
The tires were in bad shape from being stored outside and not used often. They happened one after another on a three axle trailer.

Mighta been better off to just drove the backhoe out there!!! :lol:
Please lift up my family. The devil is using everything he can to stop us from becoming the men and women of G_D he expects us to be. G-D told me to open my own business and so I did. Satain however has attacked it. The business is all but dead,and now my family is under attack. My exwife is using child servies againt me inorder to take my children away. My own family has turned on me and I dont know what to do. I waited for months to get a tax return back. My plan was to use that money to save the business,but I had to borrow againt it inorder to get my kids back home. If you have any advise please let me know. Johnmark29020@yahoo.com. Thanks you all
Hello Johnmark,

If I may suggest something, go to Mk 4:13 which talks about the sower sowing the Word. This is where we learn maturity. The parable states who is going to come, when he is going to come and why he is going to come. The same thing happened to the father of our faith (Abraham) when he first left everything he knew to follow the one true God. Immediately trouble occurred but he triumphed as God gave him the victory. Just like the Word tells us that "many are the afflictions of the righteous BUT....... the Lord delivers them out of them ALL."
God never changes His mind when He tells you to do something and Satan is not as strong or as powerful as people think. Jesus has stripped him of all authority at the cross. Now it's up to us to stand and resist the devil by meditating on God's Word in expectation of victory. This is where our faith grows and God gets all the glory.

I hope this helps.