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Prayers for my husband who just got laid off


New Member
A few months ago the company that my DH works for began "restructuring" and we all know what this means. On Monday we found out that his job position has been eliminated, he has since been interviewing for several "new" positions they have opened up for the "displaced workers" but there are of course fewer positions than there are people interviewing for them.

On Tuesday we got a call from the hiring Mgr in another region for a promotion that he had applied and interviewed for just over a week ago. He flew out today for a second in person interview tomorrow.

He also has seen the writing on the wall and has a position in another state with another company that he can take as a last resort, I say this because he would be taking an initial pay-cut until he could build enough accounts and commissions and we are upside down in our house with short-selling not an option. So financially we would have to live separately until we could afford the current house (even with a renter but not counting on it for a few months) and a house in the new state. If he does not get hired back within his same company we're looking at a time line of living separately for 6months to a year for the financial reasons. The good part to all of this is that we will FINALLY be relocating out of the current state of NM (which we cannot stand to live in) and that if he does not get rehired as tough as it will be we do have a backup plan. It is hard to not be stressed out when you don't know which direction you're heading and just trust God's will. I do know that no matter what we will be taken care of, but I am praying for the best of circumstances that not only does he get rehired within the company but that he gets the promotion at the same time.
Definitely praying for you and your situation... You know where we are with needing to relocate as well so we can keep praying for each other through all of this. I know God is going to work it all out for both of us.

I'm praying for you and your hubby and fur babies.

My prayers are with you also. It sounds like you have been doing your part so now wait for Him to do his part. Just be at peace and let the Lord show you the way.

Hope for the future,
Praying for you all as well. My husband was once laid off for 5 months and it was a very tough time but made us stronger in the long run. Sometimes I think God just needs to test how strong we are! Prayers for you and your family,