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Prayer request Prayers for retreat travel and attacks and covering


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Real Person
This is a very important week for many of us, starting on Thursday (8/29/24) we will have our largest retreat in over 10 years, possibly our largest ever, in Missouri.

Many are on the road already: the Higgins have over 2000 miles to cover from Oregon, NickF and family have 2+ days, and Julie got on the road this morning with 1100 miles to go and shopping for over 1000 person/meals to do (and that's counting under 12s as 1/2 meals).

Attacks are already underway, like clockwork, for some of those attending, we've heard - somebody hates us getting together to pray and support each other. This is a regular occurrence, and the clearest sign of spiritual warfare that I see on a regular basis.

I also feel this is a critical time for us, with new folks attending, and with the culture where it is. Besides the regular support and fellowship and praise and thanksgiving, we will be focusing on how we live patriarchally and righteously and lovingly, in a world that has left these values behind.

Please pray for:
1) Traveling safety of those attending.
2) That the Enemy would not be able to use any attacks to keep people away, or from receiving anything helpful at the retreat.
3) That His Presence would be center, foremost, and cover all the proceedings, and that He would be glorified in everything.
4) That each person would receive what the Father has for them this week.
5) Favor with our camp hosts, that we'd bring them no stress.

Thanks for your prayers,
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Something any army brigade does every single day.

It's just organization. Problem for inexperienced, but easy for those in know.
You felt the need to comment this?

I’m just dumbfounded at where your head goes sometimes.
Something any army brigade does every single day.

It's just organization. Problem for inexperienced, but easy for those in know.
When I made pizza last year for 65 people at the family reunion I thought in terms of how much I regularly make for our family of 10+ hard working active people...then times it by X. minus the appetite reduction from not working and snacking that those people would do....allow for the extra people woukd take because it tastes good. Lol

I made enough with a little left over.
Because you can do it too. Not my problem you lack faith and belief.

Sideways, sideways.
Your post comes across as disrespectful.

Nathan was honoring his wife by telling us what she is doing for the retreat and your comment was that it was basically no big deal, teams of professionals do it all the time.
Something any army brigade does every single day.

It's just organization. Problem for inexperienced, but easy for those in know.
It is not at all easy Memefan, this is a ridiculous statement. There is no scenario where preparing three meals a day for 125 people is easy. There are professional restaurants that can’t pull it off.

Not everything needs the commentary of those who’ve never done it.
shopping for over 1000 person/meals to do (and that's counting under 12s as 1/2 meals).
Wow! It makes 100 count seem like small potatoes, so I shouldn't complain. 😂

I am thankful for all the smaller retreats that helped me prepare for this larger one. Still learning how to do it better, though. I also couldn't do it without family and other BF members help.
Julie is a hoss. Nathan is blessed to have her in his family, and we're blessed to have her making sure we don't get hangry at retreats!