• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Private forum areas


Staff member
Real Person
If you wish to speak to any other forum member in private, simply go to your username at the top right of this page, select "Conversations", and you can start a multi-person private discussion with anybody you wish.

In addition, we have private forum areas for men and women, for discussions that for one reason or another are best kept off the open internet. As part of the forum upgrade, everyone who had access to these has lost it, and we'll be manually re-adding people to these groups.

Please note that these are deliberately intended to be "private" groups, and by definition most users will not have access to them. Don't be offended if you're not in them, there's no great juicy cultic conspiracy we're hiding. But there are a few deeply personal situations that have been moved there to keep them away from the general public.

Access is granted at the sole discretion of Biblical Families staff, to people who:
  1. Have a single-user account (not an account shared between a husband and wives), so the mens and womens groups can be truly for just men and women.
  2. Are known in person by Biblical Families staff or key members (where "in person" may sometimes be "by telephone" etc, given that we're scattered around the world), and considered trusted brothers or sisters in Christ.
  3. Are not subject to any sort of disciplinary action.
If you would like access, and believe you fit this description, please request access by contacting FollowingHim, andrew or nathan, either in person or via private message (go to your username top right of this page, and select "Conversations"). Ladies can contact julieb or one of the above men.

Please note that since the new forum software allows private multi-person "Conversations" with anybody on the website, the need for these groups has decreased, so we now have more flexibility to keep the membership of these groups small to ensure privacy.
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