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Reassuring your wife to be....

Paul not the apostle

Real Person
When a man is building a relationship with his "wife to be" he must have some forms or ways that he makes her feel special, apart from what he does for his current wife and family.

What can the man do to make that woman feel important, overcoming the particulars of distance, time, family responsibility....?

What can the family, specifically the wife, do to make the wife to be feel like she is an important part of the family, or is that needed or required?

What are some "NO-NO's" that a man should NOT do out of respect for his future wife, or present wife, when he is building this new relationship, without seeming weak, or not in leadership or authority or headship?

I would appreciate a man, a current, or future, or single man or woman to give input on this topic if it has interested you. Opinion or experience are both welcome.

One thing that mattered a lot to me was that we each have something special that is ours and ours alone. We each have our own pet name. At first he would use them both interchangeably but we both told him that made us feel interchangeable. She will always be the mother of his children. I never will be. I needed something that was mine and mine alone.

And of course, DeeAnn and she should be finding the things that make each other special. It is like any friendship, you have to work at it to make it grow.

It is inevitable that someday you are going to mess up and call them by each other's names. Eventually they will not be terribly offended by it, but make sure you never do it at the WRONG time.

You know, I was thinking that some of the most special times that we share together are in prayer. I love it when you pray for me. I think that it would be something very special and bonding for all three (husband, wife and potential) to pray together. Specifically the first time that the husband prays with/for the potential. That would make the wife feel included in something on a very special level, without having to feel like she's chaperoning a date. I believe that it would bond the women together as well as give the husband a sense of providing and loving both women at the same time. Entering into the throne room in humility could be a great way to start this relationship that will last until death.

I'm not saying it's necessary, I just thought it was a good idea.

I love you and I love following a man who follows his Father.