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Second Wife


New Member
I'm the second. A difficult yet rewarding position. I get scared that I'm not as valuable as the first to my husband. I fear in his eyes he always wants her more than me. I'm afraid to love her more than him although I feel that connection only women share. The jealousy in me sometimes is so overwhelming. I need guidance from an "experienced" second wife. I would like some sort of virtual ministering. Anyone?
You will find what you are looking for here. The ladies will help you in this area. However, general Christian principles are necessary to follow with the help of the Holy Spirit in order to deal with these issues. Please feel free to ask questions of the men as well, because they also have good insight and Godly wisdom.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray
Welcome to the forum. We are so happy that you are joining us here on Biblical Families. FYI, the ladies only forum would also be a great place to seek counsel regarding your question. I am the husband, so I will not comment on your question, but I wanted to welcome you.
Hi, I'm a first wife, 2nd and hubby are having their commitment ceremony later this month. But, just wanted to welcome you and give ya a little piece of info that i've learned. Hubby's soon to be second wife is also my best friend and cousin. She and I love each other outside of hubby. That helps so much. You mention feeling the connection that only women share, so embrace it. I really think the more the wives love and respect each other, the happier the marriage is for everyone.

threecords said:
I'm the second. A difficult yet rewarding position. I get scared that I'm not as valuable as the first to my husband. I fear in his eyes he always wants her more than me. I'm afraid to love her more than him although I feel that connection only women share. The jealousy in me sometimes is so overwhelming. I need guidance from an "experienced" second wife. I would like some sort of virtual ministering. Anyone?
Dear Second Wife,
Hi. I am second wife to daPastor. We have been together nearly 2 years now. We have experienced the things you are experiencing and I want to share something with you...

She probably feels very similar things. She probably feels like you could replace her. She probably feels like she wasn't good enough all by herself. She probably feels like he loves you more because your relationship is fresh and new and so full of hope and promise. She probably feels like she did something wrong because she wasn't enough to satisfy him.

And you know what, you both are wrong and you both are right?

My biggest problem with hubby and T (first wife) is that they have known each other forever. Their lives were well established before anyone ever heard of SweetLissa. They have routines that I can only just begin to understand. They have shared memories. They had children together. These are all things that I won't have. 35 years together is a long time.

For T, she sees that we are "honeymooning". That we share a love of adventure that she doesn't have. We talk a lot. In the beginning she often felt like she was being replaced. I often felt like "the other woman". These are stages that you will go through.

Don't be afraid to bond with firstwife. The friendship is what smooths over all the rough edges. When you know your sister and her feelings, it will make you feel more sympathetic to her rather than threatened by her. I don't mean pity, I mean having an understanding. The more you love your sister the better this is, because when you love someone you naturally want the best for them. When they love you they naturally want the best for you.

For instance, T hates to be left out of anything. She likes to be included. She may not want to come but she wants to be asked. And she loves to get surprises. So, when we do something that she doesn't want to do, or if it is private time for us, we often bring a little gift. They know for me the thing that makes me feel left out is to be "forgotten" so when they are together, they often give me a phone call so I can share in their fun. They put me on speaker phone and we all talk.
This is a journey. The things that bother you today, will be things you laugh at next year. We laugh now about so many of the mistakes we made along the way. But the trick is that you always do everything in love. With love there is always a defense and love covers a multitude of sins. Love will win your husband and your sister over and eventually you will be harder to break than that threefold cord you are becoming.

Please keep writing. keep asking questions.
Thank you ladies for the Godly, practical and extremely helpful advice. I hope you wil be available when a second wife comes into our lives. :D

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray
That is most definitely what we are here for. We are here for your first wife as well. We are here whenever someone needs us. Anyone who wants to talk privately is welcome to use the PM function to talk to the board member of his/her choice.
