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Seeking: good Biblical patriarchal resources


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Real Person
So 15 years ago, I was probably aware of nearly everything written (books, articles, or websites) on Christian plural marriage. We linked to most of it on the website at one time, though we haven't updated that enough, and a lot has instead got listed as links-of-interest here in the forum. The good news is there is a fair amount of new stuff out there, and I'm sure I don't know about "nearly everything" anymore.

Now, over the last year we are attempting to make Biblical patriarchy the focus - of which plural marriage is just one (optional) facet. Every Christ-following man should be interested in growing as a patriarch in his home, and our culture and churches have 'lost the plot' completely in this area.

So I'd like to start a new section on the website that lists good Biblical patriarchy sources of information - books, articles, websites, anything. They do not have to be plural-friendly. (Most probably won't bother to address it at all.)

Can we use this thread, not to discuss, but just to share links to these resources in one easy-to-find place.

Would love everyone to stay aware of this request, and revisit this thread when you think of, or run across, something good for the long haul - patriarchal or plural marriage related. Then I'll curate them over time for inclusion on the website.

Thanks for any help!
>Would Twitter accounts count as resources?

Hmm, that seems kind of 'ephemeral', and you never know where it's going in the future, but I guess we could consider.


Yep, that's our friend Clyde's site, he's been to a number of retreats, and his 'Great Omission' book is probably the best thing to give to Christian friends/family that you are trying to have understand the case for PM. That link is already on the website.
Every father is already a patriarch. The issue I see is do they know how to act like a patriarch? It would be good to have some books on the topic. I have been acting as my family patriarch since I was ordained a patriarch in 2018. I don't have all of the answers, but it does go back to the way Old Testament men ran their families.
Canon Press is the publishing company out of Moscow, Idaho that includes people like Doug Wilson, Michael Foster, Joe Rigney, and Tobey Sumpter.

Some highlights:
It's Good to be a Man: https://canonpress.com/collections/all-books/products/its-good-to-be-a-man

Reforming Marriage: https://canonpress.com/collections/all-books/products/reforming-marriage-gospel-living-for-couples
Family Shepherds by Voddie Baucham - The Case for Patriarchy by Timmothy Gordon (also "Ask Your Husband" by his wife "Mrs. Timothy Gordon" haha) - Saved from Success by Dale Partridge - Femanine Appeal: Seven Virtues of a Godly Wife and Mother by Carolyn Mahaney - the blog The Transformed Wife (maybe) -
I'd offer Authority Headship and Family Structure