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Seeking this beautiful lifestyle


New Member
I will wholeheartedly submit myself to a man who wholeheartedly submits himself to God.

Also, I know that many/most/all men seem to be hard-wired to crave the love of multiple women, and I believe God made men to be that way. It's a beautiful, natural thing because not only does this way of life replenish and multiply the earth exponentially, but it teaches families the virtues of selflessness, patience, sharing, etc. And loneliness and dissatisfaction would be a thing of the past. At least that's my rose-colored way of imagining it. Of course I know that life is never easy, but the world does need more loving, Bible-following people, and I want to join with others who know what Godly love is!

I'm kind of addicted to going to the gym. So I'm 37 years old, but healthy, fit, and energetic as a child :)

I've never drank alcohol, I base my diet on whole foods (with occasional unwholesome treats), I rarely, if ever, watch TV or movies because I've learned the hard way that pretty much everything in the media these days is toxic. I like my mind to be clean. I occupy myself with exercising and working. And the internet is a great way to reach out to the world. That's how I found you!
Welcome to the forums. There are a lot of discussions here on a range of issues, I'll look forward to getting to know you through them.
Welcome to the boards. There is much material and information here that will be good for you to read and think about as you investigate this lifestyle.
Ditto Samuel on getting to know you.
Welcome Angelmarie! I hope you find some good information and friendship here. Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself. I look forward to getting to know you. Please feel free to join us on Tuesday nights, 7:30 EST for our ladies chat.
Welcome! Im not sure if you're a smart phone nut like I am but, if you "like" BF on FB, you'll get notices when someone posts something. Yes, okay, I was rather impressed when I found that function. :)
Greetings to you from the great Northwest. I look forward to reading your posts and getting to know more about you.