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Several Keys to the Success or Failure for Polygyny

Dr. K.R. Allen

Real Person
Throughout history polygyny has indeed surfaced from time to time by various church leaders. However, to date no movement has arisen where this doctrine has become a norm within the Bible believing community.

The critics say that it cannot become the norm because it truly is not based upon the Bible. However, other factors often are contributing to polygyny not being a norm within the Bible believing community.

The following list are a few of the reasons that can hinder polygyny from ever being a norm within the Bible believing community.

1. A Failure by Men & Women to Truly Be Concerned and Broken for Lost Souls
Proverbs 11:30 teaches us that the fruit of the righteous is tree of life and he who wins souls is wise. God will bless those who are interested in what his heart is interested upon. For polygyny to become a common norm those who promote it must be truly broken for lost souls and must organize around the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). Sometimes men and women in the polygyny circles are more interested in sex than they are about seeing someone lost come to know Christ as Lord and Savior. In such case their priorities are out of order and thus if that is the majority of the people in that movement the movement will die or will never make much headway because God will not bless it as much as those movements which are composed of men and women who truly care about lost souls. God will bless more a movement that is in error on the doctrine of a biblical union, but deeply burdened for lost souls, than a movement that gets the doctrine of a biblical union right but cares little for lost souls. If we fail to keep this on the forefront of our mind we will not receive the fullness of God's power which he mentioned in Acts 1:8.

2. A Critical and Bitter Spirit that Displays Anger
So often any time a minority group is not received well by the main stream believers who also claim belief in Christ and the Bible the group that is in the minority resort to speech that displays anger, resentment, and bitterness. Instead of being gracious, longsuffering, and gentle in their response they become angry, mean, and rude to those who differ with them thus marking the movement as a mean and unloving movement. Proverbs 15:1 says a gentle answer turns away a wrathful person. Also Hebrews 12:15 teaches us that by bitterness we can miss the grace of God.

3. A Lack of Love and Respect for the Body of Christ
Even if the body of Christ has flaws in it this is the very place where Christ's love, blessing, and heart remains. The body of Christ, his bride, despite her flaws remains the key to advancement of the grace of God and his kingdom program. For any movement to gain ground in any era of history and for it to make inroads in the culture the movement must love and learn to work with the believers who are within the overall body of Christ. Disassociation or separation from other believers is a major weakness to the growth and strength of any movement. 1 Corinthians 12 teaches us the value of connection to other believers in the body.

4. Disrespect for Older and More Mature Believers in the Lord
Many may not realize that disrespect for the older and more mature believers has severe consequences for any new movement. For a movement of the Lord to materialize and for it to make inroads in the culture those in that movement must respect those who are older, wiser, and more mature in the faith. The way to win an older or more mature person in the Lord is through respect. A man who is well educated in the Lord and the Bible and who may simply be wrong on one doctrine, such as polygyny, can be won much easier if those interacting with him or her show reverence, kindness and respect for what that believer does have right in the word. In other words, it is counter productive and foolish to ignore what an older man or woman does have right just because we might differ with that person in one area of doctrine. Some in the polygyny circles want to throw away all who fail to see this one truth and in doing so they ostracize themselves from older and more mature believers who if won through grace and truth over time could be a major help to the movement as whole. This is why paul said to Timothy, "Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father" (1 Tim. 5:1). He also taught Timothy to avoid being "quarrelsome" while teaching those in error through being kind and with a correction that displays "gentleness" (2 Tim. 2:24). In doing it this way one's actions is backed by the power of the Spirit.

Do you long to see the day when Polygyny is accepted as a normal option within the main circles of society? Do you long for the day when construction companies show on their blueprint home designs with two or three or so master bedrooms? Do you long for a day when major song artists sing love songs about a love for their two or three ladies in one family? Can you imagine a major band, maybe like Chicago who was famous for their song "You are My Inspiration," singing a song that says "You Three are my Inspiration"? If you can visualize in hope a day when this becomes reality then check on your personal walk and see if you are contributing to the movement in a positive way or in a negative way.

Dr. Allen