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Shiners & Reflectors


Real Person
One member is often heard to say (in person, he doesn't post much) that ...

Women are, by nature reflectors. They reflect, with a feminine twist, what the men in their lives have shined into them. As a marriage progresses, that will become more and more what her husband is currently shining into her life. Less and less can be blamed upon the men of her past. (Sorta like a certain American president who still wants to blame his problems on a past president 5 years into his own presidency...)

So if a man is finding that what he is experiencing from his wife is anger, rebellion, insecurity, selfishness, etc., his first step oughta be to sit back and look within himself to see what, when, how, and where he has shone those things into her.

I'm not quite sure yet how this applies when the woman is not speaking her own mind but is allowing her voice to be used, perhaps without realizing it, by an opposing spirit (demon), but I'm sure that there IS an answer. Perhaps he has done the same towards God?

Friends outside BF, who are Family Psychologists (a husband - wife team) say it like this:

Men are initiators, women are responders. That's the way God made us.

They also say that, in the nature of marriage relationships,

The rocks in one person's head ALWAYS fit the holes in the other's. If you want to improve the health of your marriage, improve your own mental / spiritual health. This will make your 'other' very uncomfortable. SO uncomfortable, in fact, that they will either begin to change / improve as well, or will exit the relationship.

Can anyone add to, improve upon, or correct this beyond a knee-jerk "I don't want it to be so, so it isn't"? I admit, I don't find the concept particularly comfortable myself. It is forcing me into further soul-searching over the failures in my own past relationships. But that doesn't mean it isn't TRUE! *sigh*

(Sir BumbleBerry is hiding under the park bench and whimpering, "Don't look at ME! It's not MY fault!" :eek: :roll: :lol: )
Thank you Cecil, I also don't like it but think it is probably very true. Something to ponder.
I can definitely vouch for this in my life/family.

I don't want to get into any detail but my woman started adopting some of my bad habits that weren't very emotionally or spiritually healthy for our family. I had some anger and unforgiveness hidden in my heart from my childhood that i thought i had dealt with, but it started coming up and was affecting how we interacted with the kids. Things are much better now as we police each other and intervene when it looks like these bad habits start coming back.

We still struggle with it from time to time, but we pray and God has definitely done some great things with us.

On the positive side, i can also attest that after i reaffirmed my relationship with Christ recently, and began acting as speaking as i should, that she too has become much more receptive to studying the Bible and discussing topics we would not have before.

Anyway, that's all i got for now. It's my birthday, it's time for bed and she awaits. :D
sounds reasonable to me
Ouch, what does that say about Adam? Did he really lead Eve into the sin? Was she a reflection of his desire to eat the apple?

--I have often heard it said that after 5 years a man will have exactly the wife he deserves. I do take this seriously and at the rate God is working in me.... I apparently will never have a perfect wife (shhhhhhh don't tell her) :eek:
captainjonathan said:
Ouch, what does that say about Adam? Did he really lead Eve into the sin? Was she a reflection of his desire to eat the apple?

SOMETHING wrong in him was reflected in the overall transaction, as God held him primarily responsible.

I know how I, as a dad, woulda begun that evening's conversation. "EVE! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!!! Do you REALIZE what you've just let loose? AND drug your husband into? SHEEZ! :evil: )

Instead, God starts the conversation by calmly saying, "Adam? ..."

I'd rather ACT as if it were my responsibility, try really hard, and be wrong, than act as if it wasn't, respond nonchalantly, and get Gibbs-slapped (NCIS) upside the head by God, ya know?
it has been established, by studying the Hebrew, that adam was actually right there observing the conversation and the action.
he, alone, received the directive from his creator and then remained silent during her ""experiment".

lets quit picking on the poor girl. :D